Sad! Sans x Genocide! Reader ~Heartbreak~

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Request by: CandyEarth

 I was listening to this song while writing this :')

You didn't know why you did it. It was just this feeling you had within you that made you do it. You regretted it so badly. No one deserved to die by your hands and you didn't deserve to have this regret you had. The one who was hardest to kill was Papyrus becuase in the end of it he still believed that you could be a good person. It hurted your soul to the extent that you thought it would give up on it self. You where in Judgement hall and walked through it so you could go and meet Asgore but you heard someone come from one of the pillars so you stopped yourself and looked emotionless infront of you. "I thought you where different Y/N" you heard a familiar voice say and it felt like your soul got a crack when you realized who it was. "S-Sans...?" you mumbled out and he took a step forward and you looked at the skeleton with regret. "You said that all humans weren't evil so why did you do it?" he asked and you saw that he had Papyrus scaf around his neck.

*you felt your sins crawling on your back

You gripped the knife tightly around your hand and bit your lip so you wouldn't shed a tear. You aren't supposed to be the one crying. "I-I don't know Sans..." He looked down and you saw something blue leak from his eyesocket. "So you killed everyone for fun? For the excitment? Is that it?" you heard his voice crack a bit at the last sentance "No i didn't think it was fun!" you yelled out and he wiped the tear that fell from his eyescoket. "Well it didn't seem like that to me" he said and took a deep breath in. "well i have to finish the job that everyone tried to do" that was when the battle started. He swung you in pillars, he shoot gaster blasters at you, bones where around you. You had been killed oh so many times but you deserved it. That is what you thought. After some time you had stopped trying so he looked at you with some sweat dripping on his forehead. "I'm sorry Sans" you said softly "I'm sorry Toriel, Papyrus, Mettaton, Undyne, Muffet, Blooky, Alphys..." Then the tears that you had tried to hold in dripped from your eyes but you had a smile on your lips which surprised Sans. "You were right Sans... I am an horrible person! I got so many friends but i killed them all for pleasing my curiosity" you cried out and with one movement you brought the knife to your throat and Sans eye sockets widen "Kiddo... what are you doing...?" he asked sotly and all his anger was gone for a moment and was replaced with fear and worry. "I'll end it so everything will be good again... I can't live like this either so... I'll take the life of the person who have token so many lives..." and with that you slit your throat and the blood dripped softly on the ground. Sans ran to you and caught you just in time so you didn't fall on the hard floor. He looked at you and saw that the wound you had done where far to deep to try to stop it. "Why would you do that!?" he asked and felt his own tears fall and you looked at Sans with a small smile on your lips. You took your hand on his cheek and wiped away the tears that fell from his eye. You couldn't talk so you didn't answer his question. You brought yourself closer to him and grabbed his hoodie a bit and cuddled up against him. He was warm and soft for being a skeleton. He took his arms around you and put his face on your forehead. "Please... don't go..." he said you felt your eyes get heavy. The warthm around you started to dissapear and was replaced with coldness. "I love you so much, Kiddo... please..." He kissed you softly which you gave back just as softly until he heard that familiar sound come from your chest. Your soul broke. More tears started to drip from him and he cried quietly and softly onto you while whispering 'please reset'.

But nobody came

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