Gaster x Fairy! Demon! Reader

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Requested by: _Painted_Face_

Hope you’ll enjoy!

He was walking around Waterfalls, thinking for himself about different things which have bugged him all the day. He sighed suddenly and put his hands in his pockets, trying to think of something he could do to make a artificial soul. He was thinking about this so much that it was hard to think about anything else.

Suddenly he saw something small sit by a echo flower so with curiosity he approached the flowers and saw something which was really rare nowadays. It was a small fairy. They were looking in the water with interest for some reason. They looked a bit different than the other fairies he have seen. This one had a different aura than most fairies.

“Hello” he said politely and the small fay looked up at him and got a bit surprised. “You saw me?” they asked and he nodded softly. The small fairy stretched it’s wings out and he saw now why he felt the strange aura emit from them. Their wings was pure black. Fairies usually didn’t have this kind of colors on their wings so he figured they weren’t the typical kind of fairy he have read about.

They suddenly flew up and left a trail of fairy dust after them, flying up to him so they were face to face. “Well, i’m Y/N” you said politely with a smile on your lips. “I’m Dr. W.D Gaster, nice to meet you” he said back and he smiled gently at you. “So, i do wonder one thing and i know we just meet but what is this strange aura you emit?” the scientist asked and you looked at him with a look filled with surprise. “You felt it?” you asked and he nodded. “W-Well… i’m not like a full blooded fairy… i got some demon traits in me so i have a different energy” you explained to him.

“That is quite interesting i do have to say” he said to you with a gentle and soothing voice. “I’ve never seen something like that before” he said and you saw him eying your wings. “That’s the reason why your wings is so dark? Most fairies have wings which is transparent but yours is pitch black” he said and you nodded.

That is how you meet W.D Gaster he said to you to just call him Gaster for short. He was nice and kind to you which made that you both often would meet up in Waterfalls to talk about different things. You also had a lot of questions about various things and he could answer all of them. He was surprisingly smart and had one heck of a memory. He was also interesting on his own. He had a lot of things he had gone through his life and a lot of funny memories about various things.

He was very serious but he still was funny. He was kind of weird in you opinion but still you liked being around him and talk. It wasn’t like you had anyone else to talk to. You didn’t know anyone else because you didn’t want to be friends with your own kind because you were afraid that they would fear you or that they would try to hurt you.

Today was like any other day. You waited for him to come to Waterfalls and he did come at the same time he always did. “Hiya!” you called out and he smiled politely at you once again while he waved at you. He sat down by the millions of echo flowers and you flew up to him, sitting onto his shoulder and you were looking at the same echo flower he was looking at.

“Had a good day?” you asked and turned your head to him. “It have been a good day” he said and you looked in front of you once again. “That’s good to hear” you said. “What have you done today?” you heard Gaster ask you with curiosity. “Waiting” you simply said and he turned his head to you. “Waiting?” he asked and you nodded. “Yeah, i always wait for you to walk through here” you said and played with your sleeve softly. You heard him chuckle softly. “Well, don’t you do anything while you wait?” he asked and you shook your head. “There isn’t much to do” you explained and he smiled a genuine smile. “You are a weird little fairy” he said to no one in particular.

“But i do have to say that i also wait for the work day to end so i can also meet you”

He said and you felt surprise wash over your body. “R-Really?” you asked and looked at him and he looked back at you “Yes, really” he said and you felt happiness rise within you. This was the first time someone said a sweet thing to you. He smiled at how happy you got when he said such simple words. You were a weird little fay but that was the reason why he liked you so much.

(just a quick side note, one of my OC’S is a fairy)

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