UnderFell Sans x Child! Reader ~NightMare~

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Requested by: SnowUndertale

Hope you'll enjoy!

Another day of being in the dangerous underground. It was scary... no it was HORRIFYING especially for a child like you. You were very young when you fell into the dangerous and dark underground. It was kind of like a nightmare for you. Everything were so dark and gave off a scary vibe but in some strange way you kept your calm. Now you had charmed the skeleton brothers in a strange way just by being your innocent and kind self. You didn't understand why they were nice to you. No one in your life before were it to you so you always pondered how they let you stay here with them. Sure, they were kind of mean to you sometimes but you knew they cared about you. You knew that they loved you and especially Sans. He was rude to you and acted like you were a nuisance but in the end when you were sad he was always there to hug you and tell you that everything would be alright. Actually now some years later you had one of those days or nights. You had a nightmare so you were crying heavily in your room. It was dark around you and you felt lost, scared and just sad. You were so into it that you didn't even hear that someone opened the door and closed it softly after them. They walked to you and suddenly you felt warmth take over your cold body. You looked up and saw two familiar red pupils look down a you so you looked down and leaned against him. "What was it about this time?" he asked and  held you closer to him. "you..." you said simple and he felt curiosity take over his mind so he asked you "What happened  to me?" he asked and you hugged him, refusing to answer. He sighed softly and started to pet your hair softly and carefully. "Come on, if you don't answer i can't help you" he said and heard you sniffle a bit "killed..." his eye sockets widen a bit but looked at you sadly "it's okay..." he said and made you sit onto his lap so you got closer to him. He held you protectively and close while he leaned his  head onto your small one carefully. "I won't die" he said and started to wag you back and forth. "I promise, i won't leave" he said and he heard you cry more onto him while you held on to him hard like you thought that if you  let go of him he would disappear. "shhh, it's okay baby doll... I'm here..." he said quietly and softly while he started to feel wet tears fall onto what was supposedly to be his neck. He started to rub circles onto your back and felt your tense body relax a bit. "Is it okay?" he asked and you nodded. You let go off him and wiped away some tears that were still there. "Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?" he asked and you nodded softly. "Okay" he said and laid down onto the bed  with you. He held you protectively and took his fingers through your hair. "are you okay now?" He asked and you nodded "that's good" he said and pulled you closer to him. "I will never ever leave you, okay?" he said and you nodded once again softly while you buried your face onto his chest. You took your small arms around him and smiled softly. "I love you Sans" Sans felt shock go through his body when those three words left your mouth and you looked up at him when you didn't get an answer "You love me to, right?" you asked innocently and he sighed softly but gave you a warm smile. He gave you a small kiss onto your forehead "Of course i love you" he said and you smiled even more. You buried your face onto his chest "Thank you big bro" he chuckled a little bit when you called him that. It was a long time ago since Papyrus called him that "Your welcome" he said and you both fell asleep in each others embraces. 

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