Gaster! Sans x Reader

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Requested by: FandomBadAss69 Hope

you'll enjoy and happy birthday ^w^

You sat by a bench, feeling a bit lonely. You didn't really have anyone today and you felt a bit down. You ate a snack while you looked at kids making a snowman and parents chit chatting with each other about work or their children. It was quite nice to look at and it made you a bit happier. You sat there for god knows long and suddenly it had become dark. Well it was winter after all so it became darker faster, when you were about to get up someone sat beside you. You looked to the side and to your surprise it was a monster, a skeleton monster. Any normal person would be terrified but it was quite normal now. "Beautiful sky, isn't it?" he asked and you nodded. He had a calm look in his eyes with a small smile across his face. "Yeah" you said and he laughed a bit. "Oh, I'm sorry for not introducing myself, name is Sans" he said and took out his hand for you to shake "name is Y/N" you said with a small smile. You shook his hand and it was surprisingly warm. How strange. You both pulled away and you both decided to look up once again "So what does a pretty lady like you do outside alone?" he asked and you couldn't help to blush a bit "Well, I guess I just wanted to star gaze a bit and..." he titled his head at you "Forget the fact that it's my birthday today and I am celebrating it alone" you said and sighed "What? It's today? And you are out here alone?" he asked and you nodded a bit sadly "We can't have that" he said and pulled you up. He kissed your hand softly or he more bumped his mouth at your hand but you knew what he meant so you couldn't help the blush coming to your cheeks. "I'll treat you for a meal" he said and placed your hand by your side. You shook your head "N-No it's okay" you said and he smiled at you "Can I at least follow you home? It's pretty late and someone can hurt you" he said and you blushed once again by his worry. "S-Sure" you said and you both started to head to your home. "So why do you spend the day alone?" he asked and you looked down a bit sad "It's a bit complicated" you said and he nodded understandably. "Okay" he only said and after some time he saw that your hands started to shake because of the cold. "Are you feeling cold?" he asked and you nodded a bit "Y-Yeah, just a bit though" you said and smiled nervously at him, looking down if you had any pockets which you hadn't. Stupid modern clothes. You sighed softly and felt a hand over yours. You blushed a bit once again "U-Umm, how can skeletons be warm?" you asked and he looked at you with a little smirk "Well it's magic, I guess" he only said and you nodded. "You seem nice" you said and he chuckled "Well thank you, you seem nice to" he said back and you both smiled the way home. "Well this is my house" you said while you both stood outside the house "oh, okay" he said and you smiled at him "And thank you for making my day a bit better, Sans, I needed it" you said and hugged him softly. He got a bit surprised by this but hugged you back "No problem, sweetheart" he said and you both stopped hugging each other "I really want to meet you again so can we meet by the bench next week?" Sans asked and you nodded, blushing a bit "S-Sure" You said and you felt him kiss your cheek and once again he lifted your hand and kissed it softly "Thank you, princess" he said and walked away while he left you there with a beating and fluttering heart.

I really like Gaster! Sans being a gentleman :3

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