Sans x Deadly Sick! Reader

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Requested by: Fanfictionlover59

It was hard to breath, it was hard to smile but when he came and visited you would always have a small smile placed on your lips even though your mind and body ached. You had caught a deadly sickness and now you couldn't function like a normal person and you became hospitalized. Not many people visited you that often which you understood because seeing you in the state you were in.... You were practically skin and bones and your eyes were dull but he always visited you anyways. The short and lazy skeleton often visited you and brought you gifts. Mostly food though. Today was a bit different because he was a bit nervous today so you asked him why he was so nervous and out of nowhere he brought up a necklace. It was a simple star on it and he said he had made it himself. He was such a sweetheart. He put the necklace around your neck and it was fitted perfectly! It was not to short or to tall. "Thank you Sans" you said tiredly but he still smiled at you happily. Eh.... Don't worry about it...So, Do you feel any better?" he asked you and you sighed sadly while you looked down. He didn't want to believe that you would die and it made you a bit sad because it would affect him more if he didn't believe you wouldn't die, right? "oh, okay kiddo" he said and you glanced a bit at him. Suddenly you took your hand on his cheek and rubbed it carefully. "Hey, It's going to be okay" you said and he looked down with a sad look in his eye sockets. "And Sans, can you promise me something?" you asked and he nodded while he once again meet his sad look with yours. "Don't let my death stop you from being happy, okay? You can cry and let it all out but please don't dwell on it to much" you said and he took his hand on yours. "W-What are you trying to say?" he asked shakily and you smiled at him "I have felt more weak than I have ever felt, I think I will go soon" you said and you saw his look change into a sad and desperate look. "Y-You can't leave now! N-Not now! You have only been hospitalized for a couple of months! Y-You can-" "It have spread"you simply said and his eye sockets widen. "it won't be long now" you said and sat up which Sans followed your lead and suddenly you gave him a small peck on his forehead. "It's okay Sans" you said and hugged him even though it was a bit painful because you have only laid in a bed for at least a week now. "No, no it's not okay, I-It's not" you heard his sad voice change into an even more sad and heartbroken voice and it broke your heart when you heard it. "You can't just leave" you heard him whimper out and he took his arms around you tightly. "I'm not the once who decides that" you said and you pulled away and saw him wipe away his tears with his sleeve. This was really odd coming from Sans. He usually held up a facade that he didn't care about anything expect for his brother but now he cries in front of you, spilling out all emotions ."Hmm... excuse me" you both suddenly heard and you laid down once again. "You have to go now" the nurse said kindly and Sans nodded. The nurse left and Sans looked at you. "..I love you" he said and you nodded. "I know, I love you to Sans" you said and you both hugged each other once again tightly. "I love you so much Y/N" he said and you nodded while you felt fear rise within you but you didn't want to show him you were nervous about what would happen when you died. "I love you so much to" you said and you both held on to each other for a while until you pulled away and he left. You looked up at the roof and you felt your body relax and your body didn't ache anymore, it didn't hurt anymore. It felt like paradise right now. You smiled softly and you closed your eyes and suddenly you heard the heart monitor signalize that your heart wasn't beating anymore.

"I'll wait for you"

I'm back from holidays! :D And the first thing I did was give you guys a angst fic ;w; Anyways, It's so fun to write again X)

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