Underfell Sans x Kindness soul! Reader ~Kind Heart~

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I just got this idea and i feel like writing it :)

You were in judgement hall with Sans in front of you. He didn't care that you didn't kill anyone it seemed because he was here, ready to fight you. It felt unreal actually and you didn't want to hurt him. The only thing you wanted was to show kindness to him because he had never felt it before. You both were just looking at each other and you saw right through his act. He didn't want to hurt you so you smiled softly at him. "Sans, you don't have to do this" you said softly and he narrowed his eyes onto the floor. "You don't have to kill me, If you just let me past you and meet the king, i'll make sure that you all will get out, i promise" you said and hoped he would trust you. He looked up at you with a emotionless look in his eyes and he opened his mouth "Why?" your eyes widen and you saw that his fist was curled up "Why are you doing this?" he asked angrily and you smiled at him "Because... everyone deserves it, you all have been locked down here for a long time and i think it's the time to let you all see the daylight, feel rain and see the stars" You said and smiled innocently at him. "I get that..." he says and you saw that he had an worried look in his face "But, you haven't even reseted once and you haven't even killed anyone... Not in any timeline because this is the only one you have been in..." he said and you smiled sadly at him. It hurt when you saw that he wasn't used being treated good and having a happy and good life but then he said something that made you have his full attention on him. "How can you not hate us? We have killed you so many times..." he said and you smiled at him brightly "Because i believe that everyone can be kind if they want to" he looked at you with an irritated look but when he was about to say something you stopped him by talking "I believe it so that's why i didn't want to kill anyone, that's why i stayed away from all weapons because i believe that everyone down here can be nice and..." you narrowed your eyes to the side "I just couldn't do it" he looked at you with widen eyes but smiled a small smile. "Well... I guess that Toriel was right after all..." you looked at him while he smiled even more "Your soul isn't a red one, now is it?" you tilted your head to the side in confusion. "You know about SOUL's right?" you nodded and he walked up to you. "A SOUL is your being and your soul shows your true personality i guess" he said and you nodded "There is 7 colors on these souls as we know it, There's purple, red, orange, yellow, dark blue, aqua and your color that's green" You nodded once again and he smiled a soft smile which was unusual coming from him "Your soul color is the definition of kindness" he said simply and you felt your eyes widen a bit and you looked down at your chest and saw a soft green glow coming from it. You smiled a bit "I...I kind of knew it..." you said and he stepped to the side "So, i will let you past because i trust you" he said "But don't think i will hesitate to kill you if you pull any tricks" you nodded and were about to go until you hugged him softly "Thank you Sans..." you said and he felt chock take over his body but he smiled and hugged you back softly "Your welcome, doll but go now" he said and you let go as you ran to the king. He put his hands in his hoodie pockets and looked at your direction 

"Please let this be the one"

Hope this was kind of good i guess well until next time!

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