Ink x Suicidal! Reader x Error

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Requested by: LucyMaka 

Hope you'll enjoy!

This was all too much. You couldn't do this anymore. You cried softly while you had small cuts on your arms which bleed softly and they dripped onto the bed. Your hand was full with small, white little pills which was quite deadly if they were taken all at the same time. Not like you cared, it was their purpose right now. You were hurt all the time and you didn't want to feel this anymore, it was way too much and you just wanted to disappear. It was for the better anyways. People around you got affected by your sadness to and you didn't want that. That was the last thing you wanted. Suddenly you heard someone bang onto the door violently "Hey! What is going on in there!?" the angry voice asked and your eyes widen by it. "Didn't think I was here?" the voice asked and you recognized the voice. It was Error. Suddenly you heard someone else come to "Y/N! Is everything all right!? I saw that the pills was scattered across the bathroom floor and I just..." you heard him trail of and suddenly they both came in. Ink's eyes were filled with tears and he walked up to you, ignoring the small cuts you had done. He just wanted to hug you and tell himself that you were okay. Error on the other hand only looked at you with an emotionless look. He didn't really know what to do. "Please! Don't do this" Ink cried out and held you close to him. He had placed your head onto his chest and he took his fingers through your hair. Suddenly you felt another weight onto the bed and a hand being placed softly onto your shoulder. You looked back a bit and saw Error was looking down onto the floor with a dull look in his eyes while he rubbed your shoulder carefully, feeling if he did something rough he would break you. "It's okay" Error said and looked at you "Please, believe us when we say that it will be okay" he reassured and you only felt more tears spill when those words left his mouth. Ink was holding you more tightly when he heard your voice start to quiver and shake. "It's true, everything will be okay..." Ink reassured and he took his hand onto your arm but he heard you yelp softly. "O-Oh, I'm sorry" he said and you shook your head "N-No, it's fine" you said and Error looked at you worriedly and he pulled away his hand. "We should probably patch you up so it doesn't get infected" he said emotionless and Ink nodded. They both walked to the bath room and came back with bandages and water. They started to patch up both your arms and you yelped softly when you felt the water burn your wounds softly. It didn't burn them for real but it felt like it. "I'm sorry..." you mumbled and they both looked up at you at the same time. "I'm sorry for worrying" you apologized and you heard Error sigh loudly "Are you kidding me? You literally were about to..." he looked down and you swore you could see a hint of sadness in his eyes but it dissapeard fast "never mind... it's stupid" he said and Ink sighed "What he wants to say is that you shouldn't apologize for what you are feeling, it's not okay to do that" Ink said and you smiled at them softly "But-" "No buts" Error said and were done with patching your arm up. He sat down beside you and Ink did the same shortly after. "Everything will be okay!" Ink said and hugged you while you felt Error pet your head softly.

And if you feel like this things will get better, i promise and if you can't really talk with anyone there is a good site you could go to called 7 cups of tea.

And keep going!

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