SwapFell Papyrus x Reader ~Forever with me~

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You were hungry. You were sprawled across the cough and heard your stomach growl. The darkness outside and inside started to bug you. The electricity was out for the past hours and there were no edible food ANYWHERE. You didn't have any sandwiches around because Papyrus would have gone out and grocery shopping but when he was finally about to do it the goddamn celerity decided to say fuck you. Papyrus were on the chair next to you eating raw ravioli which you found pretty disgusting but in the end he was pretty dirty (Insert lenny face here) "I can hear your stomach growl miles from here" You heard him chew onto the ravioli which made you even more hungry "If ya want i can share with ya" he said and you looked at him while he shook the ravioli cane motioning to you that you could take a bite. You would normally say no but you were so hungry "Goddammit alright!" You said and stood up. You sat on the arm chair and he leaned his fork to you. You looked at him with a suspicious look when he lean you HIS fork. He winked at you and you rolled your eyes while you stabbed (XD) a couple raviolis. You took out the fork and looked nervously at them but put them in your mouth fast. It tasted.... good actually. Maybe it was your hunger that made the food you thought was disgusting really good or Papyrus influence on you. You narrowed your eyes to him in a way that asked if you could get more and he laughed but nodded. He gave you the whole can and let you eat the whole thing. He smiled at you while you ate your heart out. When the can was empty you placed it onto the table and leaned against the chair. You let out a burp and you smiled when you didn't feel your hunger anymore "Thanks Papyrus" You said and he put his hands behind his head and laid on them comfortable. "Your welcome" He said casually and you both looked outside through the window. It was really dark, huh? The stars shone quite bright, brighter then you have ever seen them. "They are so pretty" You said and smiled softly. You stood up and Papyrus looked at you while you put on you F/C coat and your shoes. "What are you doing now Sweetie?" he asked softly and you turned your head to him while you wrapped a F/C scarf around your neck. A scarf that made Papyrus eyes winded "You still... have that?"


He walked through the heavy snow in Snowdin. Every time he would breath out the smoke that came out from his mouth would remind him how cold it actually was. He walked and walked and saw children run right and left. He sighed when he saw them, he didn't really like children. But you were a BIG exception, You were always very nice, sweet and good to him. And it was your birthday today! So he was actually looking after you. He knew you were at school grounds somewhere. When he saw you he was happy but frowned a bit. You sat alone in the snow and played with it, You looked kind of sad actually. He walked up to you slowly and you didn't notice him until he was in front of you. You looked up and smiled big at him "Papy!" you exclaimed happily and hugged his leg. He snickered at your happiness and you let go off his leg. He sat on his knees and he ruffled your hair a bit "So, How's it going sweetie?" he asked and you looked down a bit sad "well..." he looked at you with pity in his eyes when he saw your eyes become even sadder "well... You will come home now" You looked at him with big eyes when he brought up something that looked like a scarf "Well i think you need your present beforehand" he said and wrapped it softly around your neck. The scarf was covered your mouth and in his eyes it made you look 10X cuter. "You look so cute~ Do you like it?" he asked you while you held onto the fabric. Your eyes were filled with joy and you nodded excitedly "I love it Papy!" You embraced him in a hug and he froze (No pun intended) for a bit "I love you so much Papyrus!" His eyes grew wide when those words left your mouth and after a moment he smiled softly and hugged you back "I love you to Y/N"

End Of Flashback

You looked at him and had a hint of blush on your cheeks "O-Of course..." you said and walked through the door. He sighed softly when he thought about you "You have always been so cute" he said to himself and didn't know that a certain someone was on the upper floor and was listening to him with a smile on his mouth. "hope you'll stay like that forever..." He closed his eyes for a bit and felt sleep take over his mind "Hope you'll stay with me forever..."

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