SwapFell skelebros x Reader

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Requested by: @Agent_Rose117

Hope you'll enjoy!

You have been living with the brother's for as long as you could remember. You were very young when you fell down from the mountain and fell onto the yellow flower bed. You had exited the ruins after convicing a insane goat monster that you had to leave but you promised to visit him from time to time which you did. Anyways when you had exited the Underground you had ran onto a tall skeleton which was really nice and he intoduced you to his brother which was a short skeleton which wasn't as nice as the taller one to be honest.

Their names was Papyrus and Sans. They took you in when Sans got a soft spot for you which he always said that he didn't but the next minute he was worried that you would die if you took a foot outside from the house. Papyrus usually showed that he cared about you. He was hugging you and cuddled with you often and made you feel loved. He didn't really show that he enjoyed it though but he have told you that he had poker face.

You loved both of them because they made you feel loved and cared for. They also were overprotective when it came to you, to the point were they would kill to protect you. They just really loved and cared about you to because you never saw any flaws in them while they found millions but when they said the one flaw you always made it into something beautiful and wonderful. They have never meet someone as bright as you and that made them just want to protect you.

Today was yet a new day and you had just woken up. You had fluttered your eyes open and you stretched your body, feeling like the morning couldn't get any better. It was saturday, no one needed to wake you up and you could lie in the bed all morning. You laid onto your back and looked up onto the roof. You were about to drift into your own thoughts until you heard someones door opening which wasn't yours. It was probably Sans waking up. You shrugged your shoulders and stood up, walking downstairs to eat something.

You opened the door and you were right. Sans was walking a bit groogily and if someone who didn't know Sans would think he was drunk but this was usually how he walked when he was newly awake. "Human"he said and turned his head to you. "go and wake Papyrus" he said and you nodded. You went into Papyrus quiet room and shook his side a little bit. "Paps" you said and he opened his eyes, looking at you. "Sans said you should wake up" you said and Papyrus nodded, sitting up and yawning while stretching his upper body and arms.

"Goodmorning, kiddo" he greeted and patted your head. "Goodmorning Paps" you greeted back and he smiled at your sweet voice. "Well, we should go downstairs" he said and you nodded. You both walked down and saw Sans already making breakfast. "Good morning Sans" Papyrus said and Sans waved his spoon to him, signalazing that he heard and that he said "good morning" to in his own way. "Sans, you should stop being up so late" you said suddenly and he only looked at you "I have to work" he said and you sighed. "But you need to relax so you can even work better" you explained and he scoffed at you. "Yeah, yeah, i know" he said and looked grumpily at his breakfast.

"The kid's right, bro" Papyrus began. "You are going to work yourself to the bone" Sans looked at his brother while he felt his whole being just give up on itself when he heard yet another horrendous pun escape his brother's mouth. "Papyrus, i'm this close to killing you" he said and showed his finger and thumb only having some centimeters space between them. "And if you even try to say another pun i'll sincerely will cast you into the lava in Hotland's" he said with anger hinting in his voice. "But Sans... I lava you" You took your hand on Sans shoulder and he looked at you. "You are going to regret it Sans" you said and he sighed. "alright, alright but i'm going to punch him later" he said like it was normal that he punched people and you only nodded while you decided to eat something.

Just a normal morning with the two skeleton brother's.

(Sans is way to relateble in this story)

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