UnderSwap Sans x Shy reader ~Opposite ~

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Requested by: MooKoo_Draws :3

How could you be friends with someone like him? It was insane how much you two could actually get along. It wasn't normal at all. Well Sans didn't care about any of that. He felt sorry for you when no one interacted with you and you would look kind of sad so he had to go up to you. After that encounter he introduced you to his brother Papyrus. You saw that he didn't really like or trust you but after some time he saw that you couldn't hurt a fly so he started to get to know you. He thought you always were tense and scared but after some time you had said to him that you were shy. You also had said it to Sans. You actually had told him to stop being friends with you because you couldn't communicate at all but he refused to give up on you. He was determined to be friends with you. You didn't complain because you wanted friends but as you were shy people around you would stop being with you because you were 'boring' and couldn't 'let your guard down around them'. The people in you class would stop to care about you but when you fell down in underground Sans were the first one to hug you, hold hands with you and just have his hyper rants with you. It didn't bother you when he was hyper you just got jealous because you didn't want to be shy. You wanted to be outgoing like him but when you told him that he said that he liked you just the way you where. Right now you both where just taking a walk in waterfalls just relaxing which was a rarity for Sans. It was your first time in waterfalls actually so you were new to all of this. You saw that there were some blue flowers that looked really pretty "This is echo flowers! They repeat everything you say over and over again!" he said happily and you smiled softly at him "C-Can i try it o-out?" you asked and he nodded "of course, Human!" you smiled and walked to one of the flowers. You thought about what to say and you felt a stupid but funny idea come into your head. A thing that was out of character for you. You whispered softly into the flower and you giggled softly and Sans felt his pupils change into hearts. He really did love you. You were so cute and adorable in his eyes and he felt that he couldn't contain himself sometimes. He just wanted to kiss you, cuddle you, sleep with you and just hug you and make you blush like you did when he held your hand. He wanted so badly to love you. He sighed when he felt reality kick in. He could never do it. He looked around and saw that you were no where to be seen "Y/N?" he asked and looked around him and walked through the echo flower field. He got a little panic and ran around for a bit and saw you whisper into a echo flower. You were blushing and stuttering like crazy. When you saw him you got panic and took his arm. "S-Sans we have to go" you said and he nodded uncertainly but you both walked home. The next day he had to walk to his post he had and saw the same echo flower you had talked to. It was a bit hidden away from the others. He walked to it and heard your soft voice "W-Why am i like this? I-I hate it... I-I can't even tell h-how i feel f-for him..." he got curious and sat down "I-I want to tell Sans t-that i l-love him..." He got choked and sat there for a while until he ran out and tried to find you. You were sitting at a bench and there were no one around. He ran to you and you got a bit surprised until he kissed you out of no where. Your eyes widen and your cheeks became warmer and warmer. He took his arms around you and he kissed you deeper. You hesitantly kissed him back and knew that he had heard the echo flower. After a while he stopped and hugged you "I love you so much..." he said and started to say 'i love you' softly in your ear. You took your hands on your face when he faced you "I-I love you t-to Sans..." You mumbled and his pupils turned into hearts and he hugged you again "I love you so much Y/N"


"What did you tell the first flower?"

"............It's a secret"

You can chose what you told the first flower. I first wanted to write "hail Satan!" XD

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