Together (Underswap Genocide skelebros)

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Where is he? Where is he? WHERE IS HE!?" he ran and ran through Snowdin untill. "blood?" he said nervously and ran untill "oh, no, no, no, no, Oh god please no" he ran to the blood and saw him. His little brother lying in his own blood. He ran to his side and Sans opened his eye. He took him and laid him in his embrace as he sat criss crossed. He held him under his head and looked at him "S-Sans?" he said and were on the verge of crying. "Pap...yrus...?" he said weakly and saw a orange tear fall donw his brother eye "H-Hey... d-don't cry...P-Paps..." he said and wiped the tear that fell. "S-Sans...oh god... p-please don't leave..." he said and made his forehead meet his brothers forehead. "I-It's o-okay...P-Papyrus... please... d-don't cry..." he said weakly and took a arm around Papyrus. He felt his brothers tears fall on his face and he tried to wipe the tears that fell from his eye sockets but he failed. He frowned a bit and felt himself become sad. He couldn't make his big brother happy. "P-Papyrus...I-I...." he coughed up some blood and Papyrus stretched his back so he sat normaly. "Sans...P-Please don't go..." he said and Sans looked at him "D-Don't worry... I-I'll always be with you in your h-heart, in your m-memories and in your f-feelings..." he said and smiled softly "B-But that's not the same! I want to hear you, see you and hug you! I want you to be by my side!" he bursted out and Sans looked at him sadly "I-I'm sorry...I-I can't..." he said and felt his soul become numb. He knew he would turn to dust soon, he felt it. "P-Papyrus... please... B-Be happy..." he said and Papyrus looked at him and felt panic rise within him "N-No... D-Don't say anything! Please i beg you!" he knew that when his brother would say those three words he knew that he would dissapear "I-I'm sorry for b-being so hard on y-you... I-I'm so sorry for yelling at you.... i-i'm sorry big brother...." he said and felt his own tears fall down his eyes. Crack. His soul got a crack on it and he flinched. "S-Sans...?" Papyrus said worriedly and wiped away the tears that fell from Sans face "I...I love you... Paps..." he said tiredly and Papyrus put his forehead on San's once again "don't say anything.... please..." he said and Sans took his arms around Papyrus weakly. "Hey.... do you want me to tell you a story...?" Papyrus asked "i...would love to..." said Sans weakly and Papyrus started "once upon a time there were two brothers who lived in a small town, all the people in town knew them and they all liked them... one day the younger one started to become distant to his older brother because he was sad...A-And one day the older one saw this and talked to the younger one.... The younger one said that he didn't like that the older one was sad so that was the reason he was sad..." Sans felt himself slowly fade away and he closed his eyes while he fantasised that he would fall asleep like he used to. "The older one said that if the younger one was sad he would share that sadness with him... He would always be with him..." he said and Papyrus stopped "i won't leave you" Papyrus said and he felt his eye glow an orange color while Sans looked at him "Paps... don't..." he said and he summoned a couple of sharp bones "I'm sorry..." he said and with that they both felt something sharp go right through them. The snow turned a deep red color while Papyrus and Sans ribs were penetrated by Papyrus own weapon.

"We made a promise that we would never let each other be alone, didn't we?"

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