UnderFell Papyrus x Sick! Reader

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Requested by: 21hooserr

Hope you’ll enjoy!

(human version of paps is :))))))))))

The only thing they heard from your room was very dry coughs escape your mouth while you tried to breath from your nose which was nearly impossible. There were napkins all over your bed while you had a bucket beside your bed. The feeling you had felt like death and you wished it could just stop. You had tried to sleep and take the disgusting medecine Papyrus forced feed you but it didn’t work so you just laid in your bed, alone with your suffering.(This became dramatic fast)

Papyrus ocasinally looked in to see if you felt better but everytime he looked in it seemed like you only looked more in pain. To be honest he felt really bad to you. Papyrus and his brother didn’t get sick often but when they did it wasn’t like you were having right now. They usually got better after some hours or a day but you have been laying in bed for atleast four days now and there was no sign of you getting better.

Another dry cough escaped your lips and you held your rib cage softly, trying to stop the pain. After some seconds it stopped and you sighed out softly. You looked up onto the roof and after some time you heard someone once again walk in to the room so you narrowed your eyes to the figure and saw Papyrus walk in with some of the disgusting liquid medecine in hand.

You have tried to refuse to drink the liquid but Papyrus always convinced you to drink it so you did but it felt like you would throw up even more when you did it. You just hoped it would work this time. You saw the medecine was different this time. Have gone to the store to buy another brand? He poured it into a glass while he handed you the glass without saying anything.

You sat up carefully and took the glass with shaky hands. You placed it softly onto your lips and drank the whole medecine in one sip, even how disgusting and sour it tasted. When you were done you placed it onto your nighstand and cuddled down in your comfy and warm bed. Papyrus didn’t leave for some reason so with what little voice you had you asked “Is something wrong?” He looked surprised for a split second and he narrowed his eyes a little to the ground. “Nothing” he said and you looked at him worried. “Besides you shouldn’t ask me anything when you are in the condition you are in” he explianed and just when he was done with that sentnece you coughed once again.

This time you coughed multipile times and you felt soft pats being placed on your back. When it was done you wiped away some tears you got from the cough attack and laid down onto the bed. “Anyways, when you feel better you’ll go to work again” he said and you nodded. “Of course” you reasured. “Human” he started and you looked at him with a curious look filling your tired eyes. “When are you going to get better?” he asked and you looked up at the roof. “I don’t know, soon hopefully” you said and he nodded, looking slightly down at the floor. Was he really this worried about you? He didn’t show it but you knew deep down that he cared alot about those he is close to. “Well, you’ll have to sleep” he said and you nodded softly.

You closed your eyes and after some seconds you felt a soft sensation go through your hair and you immediatly regognized that someone petted your hair so natrually you laid in a better position so he could pet you better. A small smile was placed on your lips when he continued to pet you and after some time you fell asleep. When he saw this Papyrus stood up and left your room, off to his duty.

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