UnderSwap Papyrus x Shy! Reader Part 2

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Requested by: sanstheskelebro374, Ivy_The_Venom_Scythe

Hope you'll enjoy!

Was listening to this while i wrote ^^

It have been a while since you both have started to talk with each other. It was actually entertaining to talk to someone for once because well you had a hard time talking to people because you were shy and timid so people often thought you were boring because you were plain. You often were alone but it was relaxing to talk to someone about your interest, good memories and bad memories to. You told him about some of your problems to but you didn't do it often. He seemed to always listen to you and take in every word you say to him. It felt nice that someone listened for once. 

Today was a sunny, winter day. All the children was making snowmen or having snow fights which was fun to watch. They all looked happy and enjoyed themselves. You sat by the same bench as you have always sat on and drank from your hot chocolate (if you don't like that it can be tea or coffee ^^). You were waiting for Papyrus to come once again because he wanted to meet up. He usually didn't do that on the weekend but this time it was different. You shrugged the thought away and continued to drink the warm beverage you had in your hands.

Suddenly you felt someone poke your shoulder and you naturally jumped up a little bit, nearly dropping your cup. You looked back and was greeted with those familiar eye sockets. "Oh, hi Papyrus"  you said and let out a relaxed sigh. He only snickered at this and decided to sit beside you. You both were just sitting there quietly until Papyrus decided to break the silence you both sat in. "So, How have your week been?" he asked and you looked down in your cup, recalling past events in your mind. "pretty good i guess" you said with a small smile  on your lips. "That's good to hear" he said softly and you looked at him, nodding your head with a smile placed on your lips. "How about yours?" you asked and he sighed out. "Pretty busy, at home everything is more lively than usual" he said and you tilted your head at that. "Why?" you asked and he scratched the backside of his head softly. "I dunno" he said and narrowed his eyes softly onto the ground like he was trying to hide something. 

You both head screams and laughter in the distance and saw some kids throwing snow on each other, laughing like it was the happiest moment in their life. You both couldn't help to smile at their innocence. "H-Hey, Papyrus..." you asked softly and he looked at you, tilting his head. "D-Do you... maybe wanna go to some cafe someday?" you asked and looked down onto the ground with a small blush appearing on your cheeks. "I-I mean we have always been here s-so why not go somewhere e-else for a c-change?" you said and stuttered while you hide your mouth and nose inside your scarf. 

'How can someone be so cute?!?!' Papyrus mentally screamed inside his head. "Sure sweetheart" he simply said and  your eyes widen a bit by what he said. Suddenly you heard him stand up and sit closer to you then at the edge of the bench. You could feel your heart beat get faster by what he did but you tried to hold  your cool and relax which you completely failed at. "W-W-What are you d-doing?" you stuttered out and he only chuckled by your voice. "I felt a bit cold and i thought why not get closer to the one who has skin and flesh?" he simply said and you felt him lean his head onto yours softly. "Guess i was right, you really are warm but i guess it is because you are blushing all kind red right now" he simply said and you buried your face into the scarf and he only laughed, pulling you closer to him and kissed the side of your head.

"I love you Y/N"

Hope this will be a easier way to read my stories because i'll start to write like this instead ^^ and sorry for the lack of updates, it have been a little rough with school and stuff but i'll try to update as much as i can :) (and aNIME-)

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