Sans x Ghost! Reader

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I'm in love with this picture!


Requested by: Coolness567

 Hope you'll enjoy!

How long have you been dead? You didn't really want to guess to be honest. It was quite scary to think about it. You walked around in Snowdin looking at all the monsters smiling and laughing with each other. It's unbelievable how they could still smile and be happy in this dark and small place. It was a wonder. You weren't so sad actually to be dead because some people could see you but mostly children but the parents usually said that it was their imagination. Quite sad but you understood why. One day wasn't like all the others though when you saw someone settled in a house. Is somebody going to move in? You asked yourself and decided to investigate further. You stood up and walked to the house through the wall, what's the point going through the door when you can face through walls? You peeked in a bit and saw two skeletons talking with each other about where they are going to put their stuff. "Paps, the room to the left is yours so why don't you go up there and make yourself at home?" the shorter one asked what you assumed was his brother. "That's a great idea!" the tall one exclaimed and raced to the room. How funny. You stepped into the house and looked at the shorter one humming while he unpacked some stuff. You walked up to him "I see you are stalking us" he said and you stood still while you looked around, looking if anyone else was in the house. "I'm talking to you, ghosty" he said and he looked up at you while you looked at him "Y-You can see me?" you asked choked, wondering how he could see you. "yup" he said and stood up. "You are kind of an eye catcher" he said and smiled lazily at you. You smiled softly at him and sat down onto the floor, feeling your legs get tired. You may be dead but your body kind of works the same as it did when you were alive. Kind of. "So, who are you?" he asked and you smiled at him "Mind telling your name first?" you asked and he shrugged his shoulders "Name is Sans and the exciting skeleton you saw was my younger brother, Papyrus" he said and you nodded "My name is Y/N one of the fallen humans" you said and he made a 'huh' noise while he looked at you with a puzzled look "Aren't you supposed to be... gone?" he asked and you nodded your head "Yeah but I'm not for some strange reason..." you said and he came closer to your face which made your eyes widen a bit "Umm..." he inspected your eyes for a while and then brought back his face "Hm, strange..." he said and walked around you, he out of nowhere he tried to touch your shoulder but his hand went through it. "You aren't a normal monster ghost..." he said and sat down in front of you "Intresting..." he mumbled and continued to have a puzzled look in his big eye sockets. You only grinned at him "Seems you find me interesting?" you asked and he laughed a bit "Well this is something new for me" he said and smiled at you. "SANS!" The short skeleton looked up and saw Papyrus come down from the stairs. "Who are you talking to?" he asked and Sans only chuckled. You though looked at Papyrus with a small smile, feeling relived that he couldn't see you for some strange reason. Maybe it was because you thought you would scare him away. "No one" He said and Papyrus eyes lighten up a bit "Can I talk to them to?!" he asked happily and you couldn't help to laugh at this. Sans looked at you and smiled

"Knock yourself out"

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