Sans x Mermaid! Reader

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Requested by: bloodywater09

Hope you’ll enjoy!


Listened or this while writing!

Sans had his first few days on the surface and this time it was much longer than he have ever been on the surface. Usually the kid would have rested by now but they haven’t which made Sans feel relief wash through him. He just wanted to be happy and Frisk had promised him a happy and good life. He felt like he could trust them because they had this glint in their eyes which made him think that they told the truth.

He have been looking at the surface with a big intrest. Just seeing how much life there really was in the world, it somehow made him feel even more happy if it could. It was just a big difference in life. The Underground had life but it still felt like you got suffocated down there while up here everything is free. The birds on the winter can fly to a warmer place, humans could travel everywhere, there was just so much space and the air was so clean. It felt like heaven for some strange reason.

But the one thing which made him feel even more happy was that everyone else aslo felt the same way. All the other monster’s felt more happy and even his younger brother Papyrus had even more energy in him than he usually had which made the lazy brother feel happiness rise within him when his brother was amazed and energetic by everything around him. He looked like a child to be honest but that’s why the brother couldn’t stop loving his brother.

One day Sans saw that there was a beach very close to their house so he decided to check it out. He put on his shoes and walked out from his house, out on his adventures once again. He walked through the street down to the ocean. When he arrived he saw on the other side if the beach there was many big rocks. He wondered how they could be there but he shrugged the thought away and walked towards the mysterious rocks.

When he got there he started to examine them in curiousoty and decided to climb onto one of the rocks because YOLO (XD). When he had climbed onto them he had to catch his breath for a little while. When his breathing was stable he looked up and saw there was more rocks but that wasn’t what made him surprised. Not at all. Someone was there… no… something was there. He jumped onto the rocks quietly and stealthy, trying not to make to much noise.

He got there and the person hadn’t notice him yet so he looked over their shoulder and saw that they had closed their eyes. He looked down their body and saw something which made even more surprise fill his being. They had a fish tail. A long tail (Soul color) one and it made him jump up so the person looked behind them and they also jumped back, they fell into the ocean actually.

“A-Are you okay?” Sans asked, feeling himself actually get worried. The person came up from the water and spited out the water they had got in their mouth. “Y-Yeah” you said and didn’t know what to say. “A-Are you a skeleton?” you asked and swimed closer to the skeleton slowly and carefully. “Yup, are you a…. mermaid?” he asked confused and you nodded. You climbed up onto the rock once again and sighed out in relief. “You scared me” you explianed and put your hand onto your chest where your heart were and you heard him chuckle “Same here, kiddo” he said back. “I have never seen a skeleton before” you said surprised and turned your head to him, setting your arm down onto the rock. “Well we have been locked inside a mountain for a couple of years now” he said and explained to you about MT. Ebott and the war. “So you are up here in the surface now?” you asked and he nodded, leaing back a little bit.

“I didn’t know mermaids existed” he said and looked up onto the sky with a lazy look in his eye sockets. “Well, i didn’t know skeletons existed” you said and you heard once again the skeleton chuckle “Seems like we both are clueless” he explianed and you itched your head a bit. “I guess” you said and couldn’t help the small laugh escape your lips. “Hey, i’m actually really intressted in mermaids so is it okay if we can meet up again?” Sans asked and you nodded, feeling a little blush creep it’s way onto your cheeks. Sans saw this and patted your head softly. “Not used to have someone errange a second date?” he asked jokingly and you couldn’t help yourself feel even more warm on your cheeks. Sans laughed by your reaction and jumped down from the big rocks. “Well i see ya tomorrow? At the same time?” he asked and you nodded in excitment. He smiled at you and walked away and you felt happiness blossom inside your chest.

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