UnderSwap Yandere! Papyrus x Reader ~Yours~

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What was going on? This was weird... Sure he have been in love before but this was something VERY different. He was looking at her all the time, he was desperate to know her, He was completely obsessed with her. The first things may seem normal and he thought it to untill he started to stalk her and look at her while she was asleep. He was up from the time she slept which was usually at 10 because she has a job and she woke at 8. He just watched her and he didn't even say a single word. When she was out with some other friends of her's or even Sans he would stalk her from afar. Why am i like this? He thought at the beginning like this but lately he stopped to care about what was normal for him in the past and started to only think about pleasing his desires to be with you. He didn't care how, when or where. Even Sans have seen something wrong with his big brother and he talked to him about it. Papyrus just said that he was more protective over you because he heard some of the royal guards thought to take you to the queen. Lately he has also learned to lie pretty good and even his own brother believed him. He thought it was cruel to lie to his own brother but his desires for you was stronger then being honest with his brother. Right now he was in a ally with a monster boy who he thought have tried to get to close to you. He knew what his motvies were and he wouldn't have any of it. His eye started to glow faintly and he smiled sickly. "I thought i have said to you to stay away from Y/N..." he said darkly and the monster boy looked more frigthen then he already did before "I-I can't" Papyrus felt his eye start to glow more and he felt jealosy, anger and hatred grow within him. "Why?" was the only word that came out from his mouth. He spited it out like it was poison and the boy looked at him with tears in his eyes "Because i love her!" Papyrus eyes went wide and the boy continued "I love her with all my heart! I-I can't give up on her! O-Over my dead body!" He exclaimed and after some silence a smirk came on the tall skeletons face while he got a dark thought in his mind. "Over my dead body, huh?" Papyrus reapeted his rivals words and he lifted his arm to the side while some bones were summoned "S O B E I T" The bones flew into his throat, arms, legs and stomach. In some way he wasn't dead yet so Papyrus walked to him slowly while he tried despretely to get some air but the only thing he got was more blood in his lungs and he started to drown in it. The gurgle sound pleased Papyrus because that was a sign that his rival would be dead soon. He pushed his foot up slowly but carefully and he heard a loud snap sound when it was all the way back. His foot was laying on his leg and he heard the boy try to scream but nobody came. He did the same with the other foot and he started to smile "W E L L N O W Y O U M U S T G I V E U P O N H E R B E C A U S E Y O U W O N'T B E A L I V E" was the last thing the boy heard before he dissapeard either to hell or heaven. Well Papyrus didn't care as long as he would stay away from you. Actually if he hadn't meantioned that he was in love with you he would maybe let him live. Welp, you can't change the past right? He walked home safe and soundly and didn't care if someone knew it was him. The only evidence that would hint to him were the bones but they would dissapear soon. He wasn't worried. He walked into the house and saw that you were no where to be seen. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 12 on the night. He missed two hours of watching you while you slept. He walked up to your room but didn't see you there. Weird. He got a little bit of panic and he walked to his room. His panic died down when he saw your form sleep on his bed with one of his hoodies on. "Ahhh~ You look so cute Y/N" he cooed quietly and walked up to you. He sat down next to you and started to take his fingers through your H/C hair. So soft. It seemed that you had showered so that was maybe the reason you took one of his hoodies. He smiled and after a while he saw you open your eyes. You got starteled and tried to get up "Don't worry Y/N you can sleep in my bed" Papyrus said and you nodded. You made some room on the bed and he looked at you and wondered what you were doing. With a blush you patted the bed and said quietly "S-Sleep beside me..." he smiled and without a doubt he crawled into the bed beside you. He took his arm around you and snuggled your hair. "Your so warm..." he said and you took an arm around him and was clueless of what he had done. "I love you" he said and you blushed a bit "I-I love you to" You said and after some minutes you fell asleep. Papyrus looked at the clock and saw now that it was 1. Now he have missed three hours.

I really like Yandere Papyrus and i had made a yandere Sans so i thought why not? =)

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