UnderSwap Papyrus x Shy! Reader

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Requested by: Nighteye_Undertale

Hope you'll enjoy!

You were quiet most of the time, You just were to shy and insecure to talk to anyone which made you not have any friends and when you got the news that the rumors about MTT. Ebott were true you got excited but scared at the same time. You looked at the news about it and suddenly monsters started to start your school. Well it didn't matter because you still were shy and right now you sat by a park, eating a little snack while looking at all the people walking past you, other people chit chatted and children were playing by the swings or other places. You looked down and continued to eat, ignoring eye contact. Suddenly someone sat beside you and you felt your whole body tense up. With a bit of courage you narrowed your eyes to the person and you saw that he was a monster. He was a tall skeleton who wore a hoodie and some shorts. You looked down once again feeling more shyness kick in. No one really came close to you, everyone in this place knew you were shy or they thought you didn't like people so they stayed away from you. "It's really pretty up here" he suddenly said and you looked at him, nodding shyly. He smiled friendly at you "Name is Papyrus by the way, what's yours?" he asked and your cheeks got tinted with a pinkish dust "Y-Y/N..." you said quietly and he chuckled a bit "Are we the shy type?" he asked and you nodded making him smile even more "Awww, that's cute" he said out loud and you blushed even more "Whops, did I say that out loud?" he asked himself, he obviously knew the answer. Silence filled the air once again and you felt curiosity fill your being so you asked him something. "H-Have you s-seen rain...?" you asked him and he tilted his head at you and shook his head. "Nah, I haven't" he said "Why are you asking?" he ended and you looked down once again "J-Just wondering..." you said back and he looked at you a bit sad "You know, you shouldn't feel like this" he said and you looked at him "I mean, I don't know you but... I have seen you a lot in our neighborhood and not once I have seen you with someone, isn't it lonely?" he asked and you looked down with a bit of sadness which he saw directly "O-Oh shit! I shouldn't say such stupid things!" he said and facepalmed "Yeah, i-it's lonely..." you answered his question anyways but you smiled shyly at him and with a bit courage you said something. "But I'm happy because you are talking to me now" you said and Papyrus cheekbones turned a bit orange but it disappeared fast but he still felt flustered. "heh, you know how to charm someone in your own way" he said and you blushed red "W-What does that mean?" you asked him and he chuckled happily "You know" he said and you both started to talk about different things but you still had a silent voice but he didn't mind that at all. He thought it was really cute when you talked and when he complimented you, you blushed all kinds of red and it made you even more cute and charming in his eyes. "Oh, it has become dark now" Papyrus pointed out and you nodded, agreeing with him but you felt a bit sadness rise within you. You saw him stand up and he looked down at you "Aren't you going home?" he asked and you looked down a bit sad "N-Not really..." you said and he took your wrist while he pulled you up. "H-Huh?" you became confused and suddenly you felt something fluffy around you. You opened your eyes because you had closed them tightly and you realized you were being hugged. You were stiff because you weren't used to someone hugging you or being close to you "I'm not going to leave you if that is what you think..." he said and your eyes widen by his kind words. You have known him for only a couple of hours but it felt like he really cared about you, more than anyone has ever done. "I'm coming back tomorrow so be here, okay? Around 12 on the day" he said and you nodded feeling a bit of happiness rise within your soul. Suddenly he felt some arms around him to and he got surprised "Thank you" you said and he smiled softly.

"Don't mention it"

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