SwapFell Papyrus x Depressed! Child! Reader

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Requested by: Holyfuckingmaple

Hope you'll enjoy!

You played in the snow a bit trying to relax and forget some things. You had felt sad and empty for some time now and it wasn't so great because well... You were only a kid. You had a stick and drew some stars and the sun while you smiled sadly like you often did. Suddenly someone sat in front of you. A tall and familiar skeleton was looking at the drawing you did with a look filled with curiosity. "What are you doing?" he asked and you looked down at it once again "The sun and the stars" you answered Papyrus question and he made a 'oh' noise. "That's nice" he said and you nodded slowly. He looked at you and his look was replaced with a bit of pity. "Hey sweetie, come here" he said and patted his lap, motioning you sit to onto his lap. You walked over to him, stepping over your drawing and you sat down into his comfy embrace. "So, anything special happened today?" he asked and you shook your head leaning back onto the tall skeleton. "Okay" he simply said and you both looked at the snow which fell down onto the ground. "Isn't it pretty?" Papyrus asked and you nodded looking at the millions of snowflakes fall down and disappearing into the millions of snowflakes on the ground. "Kiddo, can I talk with you?" he asked and you nodded "is...is something wrong?" he asked and you looked up at him and he had a look filled with wonder "I mean ever since the first time we got to meet you, you have always had this empty look in your eyes or you have looked sad... "He said and looked at you "What is it?" he asked "Someone as small as you shouldn't look so empty and sad..." he said and leaned his head onto yours while you stared down at the ground. "I just want to make the best for you..." he said and you turned so you could face him. He tilted his head at you and you hugged him softly. He got surprised by this "It's okay, I have always felt it" His eye sockets widen a bit when those words left your mouth "or... when I was younger I didn't feel it this much but it's okay" you said and he looked at you sadly "What happened?" he asked "a lot of things" you simply said and he took his arms around you "It's not okay, you are a kid you shouldn't feel like this..." he mumbled out "But didn't you feel like this when you were younger?" you asked softly "How did you know that?" he asked and you glanced up a bit to him "Sans..." you mumbled out and he sighed "Well... Still you are not me..." he said and you stopped hugging him "Why do you care?" you asked and he took his hands onto your shoulders "Because I love and care about you" he said and hugged you again "More than anything" he said and your eyes widen a bit by the soft words coming from his mouth. You rested your chin on his shoulder while softly and slowly you took your arms around him. You closed your eyes a bit feeling warmth when there is supposed to be cold around you but for some strange reason it didn't. It was a soft and comfy feeling emitting through your body and you didn't want it to end. So this is what people call 'cuddling'? You buried your face in the crook of his neck, closing your eyes once again while smelling Papyrus soft smell go through your nostrils which made you safe knowing it was him. "Thank you for making me feel loved, Paps" you thanked and his eye sockets widen for a bit but after some time he closed them and smiled "Your welcome sweetheart" he said and rubbed your back softly, cuddling you softly.


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