SwapFell Sans x Child Reader ~Completely yours~

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I have had this idea the WHOLE day and i LOVE the idea so i had to write it!

You had been in underground but the skelebros haven't heard your voice yet. You could talk but didn't like it. You often wrote what you wanted to say so you had always a note book and a pen. It was a S/C color pen. So one day Papyrus asked you to be with Sans for the day because he had to run some errands and he didn't want you to be with him. You usually went with him so you figured it could be something dangerous so you nodded understandingly. With notepad and pen in hand you walked to Sans's post. You looked at what he did and you smiled at him. He were the one who suggested that you could stay with them so you liked him a lot for that reason. You walked to him and he didn't notice you until you tugged at his shirt which he looked down at you. "Are you not supposed to be with Papyrus?" he asked you and you shook your head while you wrote down what he had said to you. Sans read it and with a sigh he continued with his trap "Fine, just don't interfere and stay away" he said rather rudely which you nodded and walked to the post which were Papyrus post. You sat there for a while and watched what Sans where doing. His trap looked rather dangerous and the thought that someone would go in it made you cringe a bit. You have tried to reason with him about kindness but he just shrugged it off. You knew he had some kindness in him because he let you stay with them down here and he didn't give you to their queen. When you asked Papyrus about why he didn't give you away he would always say it was because he cared about you. You looked at him and saw that he looked really tired so he sat on the snow. You walked up to him and wrote in your notebook 'Are you tired?' he nodded a bit and looked at his trap with pride "Well it's good i suppose so i can take a break" he said and smiled his smile that you liked a lot. He showed all of his teeth when he smiled what you called his 'signature smile'. You sat next to him and he narrowed his pupils at you and he stopped to smile "Isn't it cold for you?" he asked and you nodded a bit but didn't move. He sighed a bit and lifted you off the ground and sat you on his lap. You got surprised a bit and squeezed your notebook and pen a bit but relaxed pretty fast. You looked at him while he just looked forward with an empty look. You looked up at him with a smile and you wrote in your book 'Why did you do that?' he looked away a bit and shrugged his shoulders "because i wanted to" you smiled at him and you turned to face him. He got surprised by this and he got even more surprised when you hugged him. Your buried your face on what was supposedly his neck and you whispered something which made his eye widen "Mine" his body stiffened and he would normally become very angry but your voice said it so softly and innocent. You stopped hugging him and grabbed his shirt a bit while you looked into his eye sockets "Mine" he looked down at you and sighed softly "what's that supposed to mean?" he asked and you buried your face into his chest "Mine..." He couldn't help but to smile a bit "Mine?" you asked him while you looked at him. Your eyes only widen when he said something you wouldn't expect from him "Yours" He took his fingers through your hair while he made your foreheads touch and he took his arms around your small frame. "Completely yours" you smiled and hugged him back and he smiled sweetly while his pupils formed into hearts. Meanwhile none of you knew Papyrus where there and his chin nearly hit the ground.

I liked this idea because it shows that he still has UnderSwap Sans in him :3 (Maybe you don't care but i listented to a LOT of Vexento songs while writing this and why it is kind of a low 'quality' writing is because i'm not home. Welp, maybe it didn't show)

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