Error x Suicidal! Reader ~Closeness~

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Request By: Equestriaxp

You didn't really care anymore about life. Nor what would happen after life. You had hidden quite well the fact that you wanted to end it from everyone in underground (You can chose which AU you come from) but now you weren't in underground anymore. You where in an empty void with nothing in it. Only whiteness and it nearly drove you crazy if it weren't for the little company you had. It was Sans but not Sans... It looked like him but didn't sound or act like him. Well you where glad for what you had but he wasn't so nice to you. You didn't care really, everything he said just went through you and he noticed it. He knew that something was up but he didn't approach you or try to talk to you. Well, he didn't really care anymore himself. Though one day you where sitting against the white wall thinking about everyone in underground. You really did miss them. Error went up to you and sat next to you but with a large space between you to. He didn't like to be touched or touch someone so he would always stay away from you. "Why so blue?" He asked but with no intresst in his voice. You sighed a bit and you narrowed you dull eyes to him "Why do you care?" you asked and he shrugged his shoulders "I'm bored so why not?" you sighed a bit and still didn't answer his question. He stood up and walked to face you. He made his strings come at you but you thought he would try trap you but you felt the strings on something else. With force he pulled out your S/C soul and his eyes widen just a bit when he saw it. It was completely broken with scars and open wounds on it. On the soul there where a scar that where in the middle so it resembled a broken heart. With that the bright color that a soul would have was now a dull color that resembled your dull color in your eyes. He stared at it for a while until he looked at you and saw that you had tears in your eyes. "What happened?" he asked with a quiet voice and he sat infront of you. You pulled your knees up to your chest and started to cry into them. He didn't really know what to do so he did something that he thought he would never do. He hugged you very softly and you looked up just a little bit "You don't have to tell me but... At least tell me how your feeling right now..." you looked down once again "i want to leave..." He sighed a bit but started to take his fingers through your hair. "I understand..." You continued to cry while he didn't let go of you and suddenly you had token your arms around him just as softly as he have done. "Shhh... Just calm down..." he said unusally soft and he kind of reminded you of your Sans at underground. After some time he got used to you hugging him so his grip had tighten around you without him knowing it. You had done the same. "thank you..." you mumbled and he closed his eyes "Don't worry about it..." he said quietly and you both stopped hugging each other. You wiped the tears off your face and he walked away without looking back. He was really weird. One minute he cares about you and another minute it feels like he hates you. Well right now none of that wasn't in your thoughts. The only thing that you felt right now was relief and you could get used to it. "No thank you..." you said quietly and smiled which you didn't do normally. 

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