UnderFell Sans x Child! Reader ~Anger~

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Sans walked through snowdin. His shift were done and he promised to take you home from school this time. Usually Papyrus were the one doing it to show himself in school so you wouldn't get bullied but Sans knew that there were some boys on school that would pick on you sometimes anyway. It made him really mad. You were nice, far to nice to be in a place like this but it didn't matter to you. He knew you had gone through some tough things on the surface but you didn't say anymore details then that. It frustrated him a bit but he realized that you had to take your own time on things and you had promised him to say it some day. He had his hands in his pockets while he walked to your school. After about 15 minutes he finally where at your school so he walked into the school gates and saw that you weren't on your usual waiting spot. 'where the hell is she?' he mentally asked himself as he walked around the school until he heard a soft familiar voice say 'help' weakly. He walked to the sorce of the voice and saw you behind a small snow mountain. You were bruised and you were covered in your own blood. His eyes went wide and you turned your head to him "S-Sans...?" you said softly and tried to get up but it hurted. You grabbed your ribs softly and he catched you just when you were about to fall. He held you closely to him and he took his fingers through your hair "Who did this?" he asked and tried to not let all hell break lose. "Was it those boys?" he asked when he saw that it was painful for you to talk so you nodded carefully. As soon as you said that he took out his phone and dialed Papyrus number. He answered it and Sans said imediatly "Can you come to the school and take the kid home?" Sans asked and he tried to sound as calm as he could so he didn't scare you "Why?" Papyrus asked and Sans sighed iritated "They beat the kid up badly and i need to take care of them so can you just do it?" Sans said and he heard silence then after a while "Yes" Sans ended the call and saw you were really tired "Sweetheart, don't sleep" Sans said oddly soft. He knew that you wouldn't die but your wounds said something else to him so he just wanted to be on the same side. You nodded and he looked down at you "Kiddo, what color is my pupils?" he asked and you opened your eyes and looked into his eyesockets "Red..." you mumbled "What's the color of my jacket? All the colors" he usually played this game with you so you would have your full attention on him. "Red, black, yellow and white..." you mumbled and he took away a stray of hair on your face "good..." he said quietly "When is Papyrus coming?" you asked and Sans looked at the clock "Soon" he said and looked down at you once again "What happened?" he asked and you looked up at the sky and you started to have a flashback. "They were mad because i was different, i looked like a human so they started to bully me, first they said that i was weak because i didn't have any magic in me then they started to say that i would never be loved because i looked like something that everyone hated down here... then they said that you guys didn't love me either..." you said the last part with true sadness in your voice and he saw your eyes in a way that he have never seen them before. "You love me Sans, right?" you asked and where on the verge of crying. He hugged you closely and buried his face into your hair "of course i do kiddo, i love you with all my soul and NOTHING will ever change that, Papyrus do the same thing... Don't ever forget that, this kids dosen't know anything" he said quietly like you were the only one that was allowed to hear him say that. You smiled weakly and you took your small arms around him softly "You promise?" you asked and he nodded "i promise" After some time he made you lay on him. You sat on his lap while your body was leaning on him. Papyrus came and saw you all beaten up which made him mad as well. He carried you in the same way that you had just sitten on Sans. You had fallen asleep with the permision from Sans of course. Papyrus saw now that his bother's right eye shone a blood red color and that it fired up. His left eye's pupil dissapeard and he stood up. Papyrus looked at him and knew what was coming "Sans, they are just kids, remember that you can't hurt them" Papyrus said and Sans just walked past him "Not gonna promise anything boss" he said and walked away. Meanwhile Papyrus started to take you home and when he was home he patched you up. When he took of your shirt he saw that some of your ribs looked broken so he called Alphys to look at it. She came there and confirmed that yes, you had broken some ribs. The only thought that went through Papyrus head was 'how is Sans gonna take this? All hell will break lose again' Sans had gotten mad at many people regarding you. Even the king himself when he wanted to take your soul. He stood up for you which suprised Papyrus to no end. He was just really suprised of how much Sans really did care about you, it made Papyrus kind of happy though. He had someone to make his life just a little bit brighter. After some time Sans came home with no dust on his clothes which suprised Papyrus. He looked at his brother and the first thing Sans said was "Where is Y/N?" Papyrus pointed to your room and Sans walked up to it "Did you hurt them?" Papyrus asked while leaning back on the wall with his hands crossed over his chest. Sans stopped and looked at him but didn't say anything and walked away. Papyrus still looked at where Sans was before he rubbed his temples in annoyance. He opened the door to reveal you sleeping safe and soundly which made his concern thoughts of you calm down a bit. He walked quietly to you and saw that you had bandage around your head, legs and arms. You had some stickers on your face to. Sans sat down on the bed carefully and took away the soft blanket that Papyrus had tucked you in. He pulled up your shirt a bit and gritted his teeth when he saw the bandage around your ribs 'I fucking knew it' he mentally said to himself. He pulled down your shirt and once again tucked you in. He calmly took his fingers through your hair in a attempt to calm him down and reasure himself that you were okay. Papyrus walked in and already knew that Sans looked at your ribs so Papyrus said something that made Sans even more angry if it could "Alphys said that some ribs can't recover properly..." Sans looked at his brother with a look mixed with chock and anger "How fucking hard did those little assholes punch her?" He asked Papyrus and he sighed softly "Alphys looked at her wounds and saw that they have used hard objects to AND they kicked her" Sans knew that the underground kids can be harsh but not THIS harsh. He looked back at you and sat his face on his hand "Fucking hell..." He mumbled. Papyrus saw that you started to wake up so he exited the room. You woke up and saw that Sans looked worried "S-Sans...?" your soft and quiet voice made him look at you fast. "Yeah, doll?" he said and you sat up which made Sans even more worried about you until you took your arms around him. It was a little awkward because you couldn't hug him probably because he wasn't facing you. "Thank you..." He narrowed his pupils to you and saw that you were in pain. "Kiddo, you shoudln't sit up, come on lay down again" He said and tried to make you lay down but your grip around him tighten when he tried "Sans... please stay with me tonight..." this was the first time he heard you so weakly say his name. "Sure, as long as you lay down" you nodded and he helpt you lay down comfortably on the bed. You laid on your back while he laid on his side. He took his arm around you carefully so he wouldn't hurt you and rested it softly on your ribs. "And your welcome" he said and you looked at him with a weak smile "Sans... must i go to school...?" You asked and he shook his head "No, from now on your going to be with me, you got that?" he said and you nodded. He felt that your body was tense so with his other hand he started to pet your hair softly. Carefully he felt your body relax and you cuddled closer to him so he could pet you better. With a little bit of pain which you didn't show you faced him. You buried your face in his shirt and he took his arm around you so you were closer to him. The closer you where to him, the better. That was his thought.



"Next time, fight back, okay?"

"I can't..."

"For me, please..."

"Okay... just for you because i love you"

"I love you to, sweetie"

After you heard him say that you took your arm around him and his pupils turned into a shape of a red heart when he looked down at you.

'Damn, if someone would see me now they know where my weakness is...'

I just started to realize i write alot of Child! Readers XD Well anyways toodles!

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