Always (UnderSwap skelebros fanfic)

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Not really fontcest because i don't ship it. Just a big brother taking care of the younger one :) and i see Papyrus as the older one. 

It was one of those days huh? His body felt weak, HE felt weak. He stood up with a sad expression on his face while he looked at his battle body. He sighed and didn't feel like putting it on today. He didn't feel like hunting humans today either... He just wanted to sleep. He went to the kitchen and looked at the time. 9pm. He had even overslept. With a sigh he went up to his brother's room and knocked on the door. "hm?" he heard a tired Papyrus hum. "C-Can i come in?" he asked quietly which was unusual for him with his over excited nature. Papyrus got suprised by this but knew it was one of those days. He knew Sans wasn't as happy as he seemed. He was like that because he thought that being sad will get you no where but somedays his sadness would get to him and he just felt useless and numb. "Of course bro" hearing his voice become soft pleased Sans and he opened the door to reveal Papyrus siting halfway up on the bed. He still had his black tank top on which reasured Sans that he hadn't even got up yet. He walked slowly to his bed and sat at the end of it while looking down. Papyrus saw that this were a day that hit him REALLY hard. "hey Sans, lay here next to me" Sans nodded and crawled next to his big brother comfort and he laid down next to him under the thick blanket. Papyrus laid down and faced Sans with a caring look. "Hey, how is it? You don't look very happy..." he said and Sans looked at him with a sad look. "Papyrus..." Papyrus got suprised when Sans called him that. He NEVER calls him by his real name just 'Papy' Or 'Paps' " Yeah Sans?" he said and gave Sans his full attention. "Is there a point to all of this?" Sans asked and Papyrus tilted his head slightly "What do you mean?" he asked and Sans looked down sadly "I mean i'll never join the royal guard and it feels like we'll never leave underground either... I just feel really useless when i can't really do anything about it and... I coudln't even defeat the human when they came and murdered everyone... I just don't want to be here anymore..." he said and those familiar blue tears fell down his eye sockets and Papyrus looked at his brother with a sad look "hey Sans, i know it's hard but i'm here for you, alright?" he said and wiped the tears that fell from his eyes "D-Don't leave me Papyrus..." he whimpered and Papyrus smiled sadly at how he asked that. He knew Sans was scared to be alone and espacially what both of them had to go through "I won't bro" he said "Now come here Sans..." he said and pulled him closer to his chest where Sans felt comfort when his older brother took his arms around his small frame. "Don't worry, There is a meaing to everything because the human will one day be nice to us. And if they aren't we will always be with each other... If you leave i'll come after you shortly..." Sans knew what his brother were talking about and he wanted to say that he shouldn't but his love for him just wanted him to always be around him and never EVER leave him alone. "I love you Papyrus..." he said and Papyrus nuzzled his face on Sans' head. "I love you to my little bro..." he said and he started to rub circles on his little brothers back with his hand.

"Don't stop"

"I won't"

"Don't leave the bed"

"I won't"

"Don't leave me alone"


"Always stay here with me"


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