UnderFresh Sans x Abused! Reader ~Protection~

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Requested by: NarratorMoonBlood and SapphireAndUndertale

Hope You'll enjoy

You have always been this way as long as you could remember. You always covered your body so you would't show what kind of horrendous things which was placed onto your fragile body. No one dared to come close to you because you always had a emotionless look in your eyes and rarely showed any emotion. You never cried or laughed which made people get the creeps.

Well you did find one person a little bit amusing to be honest. A short skeleton which had a 90 looks and spoke rather funny, you couldn't even understand him but when he was with you he spoke normally. He was the only one who dared to come close to you so you were very surprised when he came close to you and started to talk.

The first time you both talked you were starteled by his apperance and how he talked so you just dissmised him but after some time he refused to stop talking to you so you just rolled with it. You let him win i guess. He was nice though. He never failed to amuse you but you never laughed you only smiled a little bit.

Why you never could laugh and be truly happy was because no one let you be it. You were abused both mentally and physically so it was hard to laugh and be happy like you used to. They always said hateful things to you and hurt your body to the extinct that sometimes you couldn't walk probably.

Anyways you both were just at the swings. You both were just sitting on them and made small talk to each other, he often begun talking and you ended it. Suddenly he asked something out of the ordinary. "Why are you always hurt?" he asked and you perked up at the sudden question. "W-What do you mean?" you asked surprised and he grinned at you. "I mean, everytime i grab your hand or arm you always flinch, y'know i see those kind of things" he said and you felt surprise go through your while being.

How did he notice? You though he wasn't thank kind of person to just see those small details and why does he ask now? You stopped looking at him and looked at the ground instead. "Who hurts you?" he asked and you bit your bottom lip. You wanted so badly to spill out all of the things. Who the person was, where they lived, what they did to you every day... But instead of doing so you simply sighed out.

"Why won't you answer?" he asked and you looked at him. "I-If i say, y-you'll..." you trailed of when you saw that he had taken of his sun glasses and he was polishing them a little bit, making your eyes widen. His eyes were... not like you thought they would be. There were hearts in them and there were shining a purple color.

"Are you scared that i might hurt them?" he asked and you nodded slowly when he took on his glasses while he ingored your widen eyes. "Y'know, it's true i might hurt them" he said and jumped down from the swing and looked at you. "But why would you care? They hurt you so why won't you let me hurt them back?" he asked and you narrowed your eyes to the side. This was clearly out of charachter for the funny Sans you knew. "I know you are a sensetive chick but is it really because you would feel sorry for them? Or are you scared that they will hurt you to if i fail to hurt them?" he asked and you only looked at him, nodding your head. "Then i understand but please can you tell me?" he asked and you nodded once again. You told him everything you wanted to spill out earlier and you saw him listening to you closely and carefully. After you were done you both had decided to head home. You both headed home and Sans had a big smile across his features.

"Getting revenge and a new body? Guess i am very lucky, huh?"

I'm sorry that he is really OOC. I'm so sorry ;w;

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