UnderSwap Yandere! Sans x Reader ~Mine~

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He was always looking at you. His big baby blue eyes were always looking at your body. Sometimes you knew it and sometimes you didn't... He has never felt like this for anyone and he wanted you for himself. He wanted to have you in his room or lock you down in his basement at all times but he knew that would scare you so he tried to control himself. Right now he looked at you while you talked about your day for him. You had just gotten your first job which was at Muffet's. She was one of your best friends so of course she fixed a job for you! You looked so pretty when you were happy, You looked pretty when you were crying to and when you were sleeping of course. You always looked pretty in his eyes and he always thought that no one could love you more than he did. When he saw someone talk to you happily he felt something rise within him. Something he thought he would never feel. Jealosy. O h  h o w  h e  h a t e d p e o p l e  w h o  l o v e d  y o u. He was the ONLY one who was allowed to love you. No one was allowed to touch you, hug you or kiss you. Only him. He had hurted people who were to friendly to you but lately he have wanted to kill people to have you all to himself. He knew there was something wrong with him because every bed time story he have heard Papyrus read for him when it was something with love there were romantic and they never killed anyone to keep their princess safe so why was he like that? Why did he want to kill? So many questions with no answers. But he didn't care anymore. He killed anyone that he saw as a threat to him and he killed anyone who he thought would take you away from him. One day when he was in his basement he had Muffet in there. She looked very scared and confused which made him even more angry. Didn't she get it? She was Y/N's best friend so she is a BIG threat to him. He walked up to her with a kitchen knife in hand while he smiled at her. She didn't recognise the smile on his mouth. She always have seen Sans as a happy little skeleton that would never hurt a fly but his smile said something else. He helt the knife with his right hand while his other hand felt the sharp blade. "Well, Well, Well~ I didn't think i would ever have YOU down here Muffet~" He said and looked up at her with blood lust in his eyes. She tried to struggle out of the ropes around her but they were to strong to try and break. She stopped and looked at him "W-Why Sans?" She said with a scared tone to her voice. His smile vanished and with one movement the knife was under her chin. His eyes were filled with anger while he looked at Muffet like she was a nuisance. "Don't you get it? I know what you want from Y/N and i won't let that happen..." he said darkly and the puzzel pieces finally fell in place for her. "You are the reason why all of this missing monsters are gone... D-Don't tell me you..." she trailed of and he started to giggle a bit which turned into a sadistic and evil laugh. That laugh proved her point and she looked down. "W-Why...? S-Sans..." she asked and he made her look at him again by lifting the knife up. His face were a mere cemeteries from her face "B E C A U S E  I  H A T E  E V E R Y O N E   T H A T   L O V E S Y/N" he said and slit her throat. When he was done with his torture he put her body in a garbage bag and into the fireplace and let it burn. He walked up to the living room and saw you sitting on the sofa watching tv. He smiled sweetely and walked up to you. "Hi Y/N" he said and you smiled softly at him and didn't know what kind of things he did to your best friend mere minutes ago. "Hi Sans" You said and he sat down beside you. He cuddled up against your side and he asked a question that he asks quite often "Do you love me Y/N?" he asked you and looked up at you with hope in his eyes while waiting on your answer like a puppy. You took a arm around him and pecked his head "Of course i love you Sans" You said and he smiled while he cuddled you close. "I love you to Y/N" he said and felt his eyes become heavy. Well that means i can do anything to protect you because that is what princes do in fairytales, right?

I really liked writing this one :3 I love making innocent characters being crazy =) Next one is gonna be with the other skele bro =3

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