UnderSwap Papyrus x Singing! Shy! Reader ~Angel Voice~

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You were always a quiet girl which didn't like to show so much 'personality' as people would say it. You didn't have much friends and you always hid away when there were much people around. Some of your so called 'friends' made you go to a school party so you would get more into the group. Turned out that you just sat on the side like a wallflower. That was your nickname you got. Wallflower. Well it didn't bug you so you didn't really care. Even though you were shy you finally got some friends when they came up onto the surface. You got monster friends! You first meet one and his name was Sans. He was a innocent and smol skeleton which you couldn't help but to smile at when he had his hyper rants. Then there was Undyne, she was kind of like you actually and you enjoyed talking with her, Alphys was really nice to but just explosive, Asgore and Toriel was really nice to and they were like extra parents. Napstblook and Mettaton was nice to and you enjoyed being with them. But the one you got the most connection with was Papyrus. He was just really relaxed and had this 'cool' style but he was really sweet. They were the only ones that knew you could sing. They had never heard you but you had mentioned one time that you sang sometimes and now they remembered it. You shrugged it off but was happy that they remembered the things you said. Due to you being shy and having a small voice, people didn't remember what you said. Well onto the story. You had a sleepover at Asgore's place and he was living with the skelebros and a human called Chara. She was really sweet to and she was like a little sister to you. You had woken up first so you decided to wash the dishes while of course listening to some music. You first hummed which later on became soft singing. What you didn't know though was that someone else was awake and was listening to every word that came out from your mouth. He leaned against a wall and he was closing his eyes softly enjoying the angelic music echoing through the small house. He thought that your voice was angelic and sweet. Papyrus have a crush on you but didn't know how to approach you. You were shy, timid and in his mind so sweet. He didn't want to destroy that. So he held his distance. When you were done he came in and was applauding. You turned around and you face was in a million shades of red. "P-P-Papyrus?!" you said choked and he smiled "You really have a good voice, you know?" he said and you pulled your hands onto your face and he tilted his head "huh? What is it?" he asked and you mumbled something which he didn't hear "What was that?" he asked and you pulled away your hands from your face and said embarrassed "H-How long h-have you been l-listening?" he counted his fingers and looked up at you once again "Ever since you began" he said simply and you looked at him "W-Why did you h-have to count t-then?" you asked and felt the urge to facepalm. "Wanted to" he said simply and approached you. "Why haven't you sang to us before?" he asked and you looked away onto the floor "B-Because i-it's embarrassing..." you said and he resisted the urge to hug you and squeeze you 'damn it, your so cute" he thought and he itched his head a bit "But your really good at it" he said and you looked at him "R-Really?" you said unsure and he sighed softly "What have I been telling you here? Of course I think you are good" he said and you felt happiness inside you blossom so for a split second the shyness went away and you hugged him. He got stiff by this and his eyes went wide but he hugged you softly and smiled "Thank you" you said "Your welcome" he said and out of nowhere you heard Sans say something that made your shyness once again come and made Papyrus chuckle "Papyrus can you come into the living room after you are done talking with your girlfriend" You stopped hugging him and fell onto the floor because you pushed him away to fast "W-Were not t-together!" you exclaimed and Papyrus looked down at you with a smile

'I wish we were'

Hope this was good!

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