Error Sans x Child! Reader ~No worries~

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Requested by: 21hoooserr

Hope you'll enjoy!

(Who thinks human Error looks cool?????)

You have always seen this whiteness around you and seeing something else actually frighten you a little bit. The thought about darkness also made you really scared but you knew you would never live in something else so you never bothered to think about it too much. You were taken in as a baby when you were left in the cold in one of the many AU’S. No one bothered to take you in except for one person. A short skeleton which looked like a virus to you. Having the word error floating around him and on his body while his body had a black coal color to it with red and yellow fingertips. His one eye was blue but had yellow around it. His other eye was simply a white dot which you later found out was his bad eye.

The first few months was hard because he always pushed you away and never really payed attention to you until he saw you crying for the first time. Seeing your tears escaping from your eyes and fall down from your face while your eyes showed absolute sadness in them.Somehow his soul ached when he saw you like that and he wanted to comfort you but he was afraid of touching so he comforted you with his threads. He in some way made kind of a hand out of the threads and patted your head. Even if it wasn’t much it still was something.

After some years of living there you also grew into a error and your eyes, body and hair got the opposite color instead. Anyways you were looking with him on a random new universe. You have been sitting beside him for a while, munching on your chocolate which Sans had stolen from the universe called UnderFell. You looked at Sans and bought your chocolate close to his face. He took a bite out of it and you smiled by this.

“You like it?” you asked innocently and he simply nodded. You looked in front of you and tilted your head. “That’s… OuterTale… right?” you asked him and he nodded. “Yup, starting to get a grip of all the names?” he asked and you nodded. “That’s good” he said simply and continued to observe the place. “Hey, Sans can we go there?” you asked him and he looked at you. “Why would you want to go there?” he asked you and you smiled. “I want to see the stars!” you said and he sighed out. “Alright” he said and you both walked through the portal and stepped inside the universe.

You both were at a cliff and you both were surrounded by stars and other space objects which made your eyes widen. “This is really cool!” you exclaimed and sat down at the edge of the cliff, shortly Sans sat beside you and you smiled at him. “Do you think it’s cool?” you asked and he simply nodded. You both sat in silence, observing the stars and nebulae around you both. “Sans… “ you started and he only narrowed his eyes at you.


“Why did you take me in?”

you asked and he got startled by your question. This was the first time you have seen him like this so your eyes widen a little bit. “Nothing you should care about” he said and you looked down at your legs. “okay” you simply said while you nodded. He looked at you and he felt the same heartache he felt when he saw you cry for the first time. He wanted to comfort you once again but this time he really wanted to do it for real. Your eyes widen when you felt a unfamiliar hand being placed on your shoulder and you suddenly felt a wave of warmth being swepped over you. “I’m sorry” he simply said and you smiled softly and you relaxed.

“No worries”

Do you know the reason why he took you in??

If you want you can guess in the comments!

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