Pallete x Child! Reader ~Past Is Gone~

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Requsted by: Brickubbles

Hope the wait was worth it :')

You were a lonely soul as people would call it. You were happy most of the time and you were nice, friendly and outgoing most of the time but people didn't seem to like you. It was hard sometimes but you still held your head high and were yourself, that is what everyone says you should be, right? And it was hard being sad when you were living with a short skeleton named Pallete. He was always happy and hyper which made you forget most of the bad things you think about. You have lived with him for two years now and honestly it was one of the best two years in your young life because before you meet Pallete you were living on the streets. Your parents didn't want you anymore so they literally threw you out on the streets. You had to steal and sleep under bridges to survive but in the end he took you away from that hell which made you forever grateful to him. Honestly though it was hard to not fall in bad habits like stealing in stores and such. He has told you that you and him would always have money so you didn't have to worry. You didn't sometimes even sleep on your bed because it felt weird to sleep on such a comfy and soft place. He understood that he had to raise you to know that you will never live your life again like that but on to the story. Pallete was in the living room just looking at some tv late at night. He couldn't sleep at all because he wasn't tired so he didn't bother. After some time he heard some soft footsteps echo through the hallway and he turned his head at that direction. "Hey, what are you doing awake at this hour?" he asked you and you looked down a little bit. "I had a nightmare" you simply said and he looked at you worriedly "aww it's okay buddy, come here you can lay here with me" he reassured and you nodded while you walked up to him. You leaned onto his side and he took his arm around you softly. "Can you tell me what it was about?" he asked and you cuddled closer to him. "It... It was about... the past..." you mumbled and he looked down at you sadly "hey, it's okay" he asked and made you sit onto his lap so you leaned your head onto his chest softly. "It's okay, your safe here... There is absolutely nothing to worry about" he said and took his arms around you while he leaned his head onto your softly. "You will be here with me, right?" you asked and he smiled "Of course! I would never leave you!" he exclaimed and you nodded. "....Pallete" you said after a long silence. "Yeah" he said and you looked up at him. "is it really okay? I mean... I'm really afraid about it a-and it seems that people don't really like me either because most people here only see me as a s-street child s-so i-is-" you couldn't even end your sentence because you felt your tears fall down. "I... I j-just don't want t-to make you s-sad" you said and he smiled sadly at you "It's okay, sweetie" he said and pulled you closer to him. "I have already told you that I will always be here for you, I don't care what other people say as long as you are happy I'm happy because now that I have you here I can't live without you because" he kissed you head softly "I love you with all my soul" he said and you couldn't help to cry more. No one has ever said that they loved you so it was a happy feeling that grew within you when those words left his mouth. "I-I love you to" you said and you hugged him back tightly not wanting to let go.

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