AsylumTale Sans x Child! Reader ~I know~

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Shout out to Equestriaxp for making me like this cinnamon roll :')

You were accompanying Toriel to her work which was at a hospital! You held onto her paw softly while you both went through the big doors. It didn't really look like a hospital indoors. It had this home vibe in it, just like Toriel's home! You were an orphan but Toriel usually would take you out sometimes because she couldn't adopt you for some reasons but it didn't matter. As long as she would take you away sometimes it made you happy. You both were at the reception and she talked to the lady there about something. You didn't really listen because you looked around the room. Some moments later she started to walk away with you up to her room. "I'm sorry my child but I will just do some paper work, okay? Just wait here" it was a chair outside so you sat onto it and nodded. She gave you a quick kiss on your head "be good" you nodded once again and she walked into her room. You dangled your legs a bit and looked down, thinking about your past. You did it often because you tried to figure out if you had any memories of your parents. Suddenly you kind of heard a voice... You turned your head to the direction you heard the voice. "come..." you saw something in the air but as soon as you saw it you only saw something blue and red disappear. You stood up and walked to where it was and you saw it once again to your left so you walked to it. You followed it around until you saw some big doors in front of you. You hesitated but shrugged it away and opened the doors. It was glass rooms everywhere in the room. You walked into the big room and the doors closed by themselves behind you. The blue and red light were in front of one of them, now it finally showed what it really was. It was a skeleton with a red scarf which had a blue light at the end of it. He smiled softly at you and pointed to one of the glass rooms. You walked slowly to the glass room and saw nothing at first but then something popped up. It was a skeleton in a strait jacket. He sat on his knees and he looked at you confused but smiled brightly after some moments. He crawled to the window and put his hands onto it. He doesn't really look insane... You looked up at the other skeleton and he took your hand softly while he walked inside with you. In a strange way you got pulled in to which made you confused and just a little bit scared. You sat onto your knees in front of him and he smiled at you "What is your name?" he asked, his smile never leaving. You looked down a little bit but smiled "Y/N..." his eyes shone brightly for some reason "You can really talk! Papyrus said that you couldn't!" you tilted your head at him "pa...pyrus..?" you asked softly and the skeleton nodded his head excitedly "mhm! He was the one who brought you here!" you nodded, finally getting the puzzle pieces in place. "So... he's your friend?" you asked and the skeleton shook his head "he's my brother!" you made a 'aha' noise and he giggled softly "You haven't said your name yet..." you said "Oh! I forgot! Name's is Sans!" he said and you smiled at him now "That's a nice name" you said and he giggled more, blushing just a little bit "thank chu!" he was really cute and nice. How could he be insane? Toriel said that insane people are instable so you should stay away from them but Sans... he was different he kind of reminded you of... yourself. Or who you were when you first arrived at the orphanage. You were happy and positive child who always were happy and excited, even if nothing special ever happened. But when the years went by that excited disappeared and you became an empty shell of that person. You looked down, feeling that familiar sadness rise within you. He tilted his head at you but approached you. Suddenly you felt something unfamiliar around your small frame. He hugged you softly "It's okay! You don't have to be sad!" he said and you smiled softly and hugged him back. "Thank you..." you mumbled and you both were hugging each other. You buried your face onto his neck, feeling the kind of love you never really felt. I mean Toriel showed that she loved you but didn't show it all that much because she believed that you needed your space and you never had the bravery to say anything to her. Suddenly he felt something wet fall down onto his neck. "What are you doing...?" he asked and you sniffled a bit "I-I'm crying..." you said and he hesitantly put his hand onto your head, petting it carefully. "It's okay Y/N..." he said and felt himself become a bit sad. "it's... okay...." After a while you both pulled away from each other and you wiped away the remaining tears. "Thank you Sans" you said and he smiled when he saw that you smiled "Your welcome Y/N!" he exclaimed and you giggled. "Y/N! Y/N!" you heard a voice yell and you stiffened for a while. It was Toriel. You stood up suddenly and you looked around, trying to find a way out till you felt a familiar hand grab yours and pulled you out of the glass room. You nodded at him and Papyrus smiled at you when you ran out. Papyrus went inside again and Sans stared at the spot you were outside. "She's coming back...right?" Sans asked and Papyrus nodded "of course, don't worry" Sans nodded "I like her" he said and Papyrus smiled at Sans "I know you do"


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