Babysitter! UnderFell Papyrus x Baby! Chubby reader ~Innocence~

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Requested by: LissettGonxalez3

Hope you'll enjoy!

Why did he have to do it? He was supposed to be fearful and horrifying but he had to... babysit a human child? What was it's name again... Y/N? But why him of all the people? But then again he didn't want Sans to take care of the kid because he will probably teach it inappropriate manners and probably kill the kid because he himself is irresponsible... But still this would be a pain. He walked in to the living room and saw that the child was already here, sleeping on the sofa. He wondered how it was already here but it was probably brought here by Sans.

The kid wasn't old at all. Probably some months maybe. It was small and when he got a closer look he saw that they were really chubby. It had pink dusted big cheeks which looked really soft and squeezy. He sat down on the sofa and glanced at the baby once again, they were breathing heavily so he figured they were sleeping in the wrong position so he picked the small kid up and laid them on his lap, leaning their head on his chest so they wouldn't put pressure on their small neck.

Surprisingly they didn't wake up but he was thankful. The longer they would sleep the better for him. Plus children need more sleep then adults so it was good that they slept. He looked at the kid and heard they weren't breathing heavily anymore and he felt relief wash through his being. He sighed in relief and looked up at the roof. He didn't really like watching tv because he wanted to think about battle strategies and new or improved traps. Even though he wasn't in Underground anymore he always liked battle strategies and such. He just thought it was entertaining to so if they would work or not.

Suddenly his thoughts got interrupted by someone yawning so he looked down and saw that they were awake. They fluttered their eyes softly and looked up at the fearsome skeleton. He thought that the kid would cry or scream but they simply looked at him with their big eyes, scanning his face. He didn't know why but looking into someones eyes like this, them not knowing anything about this horrifying world and they just knowing innocence made him... calm. A emotion he rarely felt.

The baby suddenly smiled at him and he felt a little surprised by it's sudden facial expressions. He tilted his head, trying to figure out why the child suddenly smiled like this. Children are truly weird and he started to wonder how Sans could take care of him when he was this small. The child put it's hand on his cheek and he immediately tried to take the small and warm hand away but something told him to not do it so he just let the kid do what they wanted.

Papyrus out of nowhere accidentally leaned into their touch but still had a emotionless look placed on his face and eyes but the child didn't seem to mind because they still had their hand placed softly on his cheek. This was strange for the tall skeleton because he have never meet someone this gentle and innocent before. Even in Underground kids was brutal but this child here was just so gentle and kind.

He smiled suddenly and he saw the child giggled by this and brought down their hand, snuggling closer to the skeleton to keep themselves warm. He brought them closer to him and he leaned back, he himself feeling sleep take over his body.

Hope this was good! It was a little challenging for me because i didn't really figure out a good plot but i still hope you all enjoyed!

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