UnderFell Sans x Baby! Reader ~Never ending love~

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Requested by:  Lily_May_Faire

Hope you'll enjoy!

He was walking through the snow path and just looking after some humans until he heard something. It was soft crying. He looked to his side but saw that there were nothing there so he looked at the direction of the ruins and saw that there were something infornt of the big gates. He walked faster to it with curiosity but wasn't ready of what it could be. He looked down and saw that there were a little baby wrapped in a blanket. He looked at it and saw that it had been out here for a while. What was he supposed to do with it? He sighed and started to think of solutions. It was to young to be brought to the king and he didn't want to give it to Papyrus. The only thing he could do was... kill it. He sighed and felt his eye start to glow a red color while he summoned a sharp bone that he took on his right hand. He walked to your small form so he faced you and brought the bone over his head and just when he was about to do it he saw you open up your eyes. There were a bright E/C color which made him stop in his tracks. You looked so happy and innocent in his eyes. He shook his head and looked at you with anger. He wasn't supposed to feel mercy for anyone, it was killed or be killed afterall. You brought up your hand to him and he looked at you trying to see what you wanted to grab. He bended down to you and you touched his face softly and carefully trying not to touch his eyesockets becasue even if you were young you knew that it was his eyes. You touched his teeth and giggled at his gold tooth. Guess you thought it looked funny? He looked at you with a soft look and he brought up his own hands to your cheek. He felt that your skin was incrediably soft and you giggled at his touch. He sighed and brought you up and you giggled even more by the height differene "You laugh way to much kiddo" he said to you and you cuddled up against him "Wonder how someone could leave you here..." he said and felt himself frown. "Well i guess you can live with me, with that charm your gonna even make Papyrus fall for ya" Sans said and started to walk home. He walked the snowy path slowly. "It looks like you don't have a name..." he mumbled and tried to think of a name "How about... Y/N?" he asked and you smiled at him "Guess you like that name, huh?" he said and smiled.


~Couple of years later~

"Come on kiddo you can say it! S-A-N-S" Sans said and you looked at him with a curious look "S...S-S...S" Your eyes sparkled up suddenly and Sans felt joy rise within him "SNAS!" he blinked his eysockets for a while but hugged you out of nowhere while you reapetedly said 'Snas' "oh god, i'll remember this day for all of eternity" he said and hugged you even more. Sans heard someone come in and when he looked to his side Papyrus stood there and tilted his head. "Sans... what are you doing?" Sans stood up so he sat you on his hip and he smiled with glee which made Papyrus eye sockets widen "The kid can say my name" "SNAS!" Papyrus couldn't help to shake his head "oh brother..." he mumbled and walked out from the room. He heard Sans say something with 'love' to you and that you giggled. He probably said that he loved you again

When didn't he say it?

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