FlowerFell Sans x reader ~FairyTale~

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This song gave me inspiration for this whole story

Requested by: JaneTheCrazedFanGirl

Hope you'll enjoy! I don't know so much about his personality so sorry if it is weird.

It was hard but with just one word or one touch you would make it better for him. His mind drifted away when he was with you and he didn't know that a person could make him feel loved and happy, let alone a human. It was weird how the soul chose the person you couldn't have those kind of feelings with. This kind of stories never ended up good. After all this wasn't a fairy tale now was it? A monster and a human could never love each other. That's what he thought but everytime he had that thought something came into his mind that you had told him. A human fairy tale called 'Beauty and the beast'. There it was a monster that loved a human. It was a pretty fairy tale in his mind. You were definitely the beauty and he was definitely the beast. Right now you both had made a stop in your journey because you had said that you had sore feet so you both were sitting by the millions of echo flowers. They were really pretty and kind of awesome! He smiled at you when you started to talk about the surface, in his mind he didn't really care about the surface all that much but it became interesting when you talked about it for some reason. Maybe it was because it was you who talked about it? Who knows but it didn't matter but his smile disappeared when he heard you sneeze softly and he tilted his head at you "Are you okay sweetheart?" he asked and you nodded "Yeah i'm just a little cold" you said and he nodded wishing he could stop your body from shaking. His eyes lighten up a little bit when he got an idea. He took of his big jacket and  he stood up. You looked  at him and felt a weigh come down onto your shoulders. He dropped the jacket onto you and you felt warmth immediately come from the jacket which did that you pulled it closer to you. He smiled at you "Feeling warmer?" he asked while he sat down beside you and you nodded. "Thank you Sans" you said and looked at him "Your welcome" he said and you both got a bit quiet. Not awkward quiet, you both were just enjoying each other's company. "hey Sans" you interrupted the quietness and he faced you "yeah?" he said and you looked at him "What will you do when you get to the surface?" you asked and he looked forward while making a 'hm' noise, ideas going through his mind about the question you asked. "Well... I don't know actually" he said and you looked down a little bit "When we get to the surface... you'll stay with me, right?" you asked and he took his arm around your back "Of course, sweetheart, i would never leave you"he said and you smiled a little bit "promise?" you asked and he leaned his head onto yours "I promise" he said and you closed your eyes for  a bit. "So, you'll never leave  me to, right?" he asked and you shook your head "of course not!" you exclaimed and he giggled while taking away a strand of hair away from your face. "That's good" he said and gave your forehead a little peck and bumped his forehead against yours. "Because i wouldn't let you either way" he said and you smiled at him "Sans, that's creepy" you said and he laughed "Well, i can't help it, i love  you so much my flower" you smiled and kissed him softly on his lips. 

Well a human and a monster can love each other

If the love is real

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