Papyrus x Genocide! Reader ~Sweet innocence~

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Requested by: ShadowTitan25

Hope you’ll enjoy!

Listened to this while writing :P

You were just curious. Yup, just curious. You wanted all the endings because you were dying to know how everything would end. First you spared everyone and it got the real ending which was everyone was on the surface, living happily ever after. After a couple of times you have done that you did neutral. Killing some weak monsters here and there. Nothing special. You exited Underground by yourself and this ending was quite boring so you decided to do a different ending.


You just wanted to kill. Just kill withoout any consicvenses because after everything you could just reset. No one would be hurt and you would be the only person to remember. You were just so curious and you were determined to find out everything about this world and it’s secrets. Even if some had to die. You walked through now the empty and frightened Snowdin. Everyone had evaqueted the place so you were the only one here now or that is what you thought.

You were now infront of watterfalls and you saw a tall figure stand there. You only knew one person who was that tall… Papyrus was there, waiting for you to come. You gripped the knife tighter and you only looked at him with a emotionless look on your face when he talked to you. Saying he was growing worried that you have been chosing the wrong path. This wasn’t wrong at all. You could just reset and everyone would be happy again. His words just went over your head so you took a step forward.

“Do you want a hug of acceptance?”

he asked with his sweet voice. Suddenly you looked up at him and smiled sweetly while you nodded. You walked over to him and hugged him softly. He was so warm and comfy when he took his arms around you, you felt so safe and comftoarble. This was really nice and relaxing so it made you a little sad when it had to end so fast. You had brought up your knife and in some way you could reach all the way to his neck so with one movement you cut his neck.

You stood back and saw his body become dust softly while his head was on the ground. You sat on your knees and looked at him with the same smile you had on your lips when he hugged you. He narrowed his sad and hurt eyes to meet yours. “I’m sad that is how you end your hugs” he said and the only thing you did was stand up.

“but i do believe in you, i know you can do a little better”  

Suddenly you got memories inside your head. You remembered him when he saw the sky and the sun the first time. How he was so proud of his spaghteii. When you and him went out on the date. When Undyne talked about him, saying she couldn’t let him in the royal guard because he would be ripped into a million smiling pieces. You let the memories float inside your head but you pushed them away and looked down at the skeleton. He would be ripped into a million smiling pieces, huh? What a coincidence because

He was smiling at you now

He was so innocent and nice but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered right now so with that you took your foot onto his head, hearing his skull crush loud and clear but that didn’t stop you. Suddenly your foot had meet the ground and there was nothing there only dust and his battle armor. You smiled and took the red scarf he had around his neck all the time.

You accuired Papyrus scarf

You had wrapped it around your neck and smiled softly for yourself.

Me: I’m a horrible fucking person, aren’t i?

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