Horror Sans x Murder! Reader

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Requested by: Lime_Featherfall

I want to stab myself in my foot... i wrote this as a murder Sans first so i had to change some parts... anyways hope you'll enjoy!

How would people describe you? Mostly weird and crazy. People always said that you were it but you didn't mind it so much. After all they were right anyways. You were even so twisted that you were the only one who dared to climb MT. Ebott. Everyone else in your opinion were just a bunch of pussies. Anyways you had climbed the mountain and accidentally fell down. When you fell down you were just a little bit surprised that you found nothing... Rumors said that there were monsters rooming around but there was nothing here... strange. You shrugged the thought away; it was probably fairy tales anyways. You walked and walked until you saw that clearly this was someone's home once upon a time but apparently not anymore because you couldn't find one single soul around. You once again shrugged the thought away and walked out from the strange and empty place. You walked for a bit until you heard something snap loudly behind you. You wiped your head to the side and looked. Nothing. You sighed and continued your journey until you head someone run straight to you! You didn't even have time to react because when you were about to do it someone jumped onto you, making you both fall down onto the cold hard ground. You bumped your head onto the ground and you yelped softly until you felt something sharp go right through your arm. Probably a knife. You hissed softly but hid the fact that it hurt quite a lot. You finally had the chance to look up and your smile widen. The rumors were true than. You took out your own knife and held it close to his chest. "Come on now, skelly~ Is that how you treat a new friend?" you asked and the short skeleton only smiled down at you. "heh, I don't treat friends friendly when they have a knife on them" he said and you snickered softly "Guess you are kind of right" you said and felt the blood tickle your arm softly. You looked to the side and saw that the blood was leaking quite slowly. Guess he didn't pull it in all the way, huh? You sighed softly and looked up at him once again "Can you maybe get off me?" you asked and he pushed you down to the ground harder "nah, I have heard and seen that humans aren't really kind creatures I mean just look at this place ..." he said and you looked around this dark place which reminded you of a nightmare. "So, I'll keep you right here" he said and you sighed softly "Come on now, like you said I have a knife and I won't hesitate to stab you so you can get off me" you said rather darkly and had an evil smile placed on your lips. He raised an invisible eyebrow at you and chuckled "Well if you say it like that I guess I have to get off" he said and stood up. You stood up after him and brushed the dirt of your clothes. You held the knife roughly, knowing that a guy like him can attack you out of the blue. His eyes were pretty much filled with insanity now and not with love or kindness but you could see that he had it once upon a time. "So where is everyone?" you asked and he stopped playing with the knife and he smiled at you "Well they are in Snowdin but I suggest you shouldn't go there" he simply said and you nodded "Well, I'm going back" you said and were on your way to go back to the cave. The skeleton stopped you though "Can't go through there, you have to go through the king's castle which is this way" he said and pointed at the opposite direction. You raised an eyebrow at him "Why should I trust you?" you asked and he smiled at you "I don't lie" he said and in some strange way you could see that he was speaking the truth. You sighed and walked away while he was looking at you. "And by the way" he asked and you turned around "How many souls have you taken?" he asked and you smiled at him while you giggled softly "I guess so many that people can call me the grim reaper" you said rather innocently which would make any normal persons skin crawl. You skipped away and the dark minded skeleton only smiled 

What an interesting creature you are

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