Space and Stars (UnderTale Sans fic)

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I have some requests but as usual i listen to some music about space and 

i just





so here!

Finally they were on the surface. Everyone was finally happy and Frisk had even destroyed the reset button so Sans didn't have  to worry about that ever again. It was a happy day for him, it was a long time he had one of those. Right now it was their first real winter and everyone was  outside just enjoying the cold but yet calming winter weather. It was relaxing even though it was so cold. Sure they had winter in underground but this was something else. It was completely different. Sans felt happy inside when he saw his brother being as happy as he have ever seen him, the smile he had was finally real. They all stopped at a little park with no one around because it was 7 at night so everyone seemed to be inside. They would  be to if Frisk hadn't pleaded to take them outside because they wanted to show everyone more of the outside. They have only been on the surface for two weeks now afteral. They sat down onto the benches while Frisk was  playing with the swings and shortly Papyrus joined them. Toriel, Undyne, Alphys and Sans was just talking until Alphys said something to Sans to go into the woods. He didn't know why but Alphys said that he would know why when he knew. Whatever that means but he shrugged his shoulders and walked into the direction of the woods. He walked and walked until he sighed and sat down onto the rocks. Why couldn't Alphys just say the reason, it would be much simpler. He sighed once again and shot a glance up and then looked down but as soon as he did that he realized that he saw some small lights shine onto the sky. He looked up fast and his eye sockets widen. There were small lights in the sky, It was millions of them. Some shone stronger than other's but they were all equally beautiful. They shone so strong and yet so soft. In the middle it was a long string you could say and  it was a soft yellow color and it was a hint of white in it to. He remembered that Frisk had mentioned it was their galaxy, the milky way. It was unbelievable. He had finally seen his beloved stars he had researched on so much, his wish had finally come true. He was so happy that he could nearly cry. He had researched on them so much and finally he could see them with his own eyes, it felt like he could touch them. It felt so unreal but this was definitely reality and he was as happy as he could get. He sat there for a while until he heard a familiar voice yell at him. It was Alphys. He turned his head to her and she smiled at him. She was the one who had helped him research on stars and space itself. He finally understood why she had sent him away into the woods. She smiled softly at him "I-Isn't this w-what you w-wanted?" she asked and he nodded while itching his back head "Of course, it's just i have been focused on so many other  things so i have totally forgot that i could finally see them" Sans said back and Alphys just nodded understandingly. "I-I understand" she said and looked up to. "T-They really a-are b-beautiful" she said and Sans just nodded like he was in some kind of trance. "Yeah... they are"he said back and they both enjoyed the sky 

I can relate to this so much because i am a big fan of space. I have loved it as long as i could remember but i have  never really seen it because i have needed glasses. In january i finally got them and holy hell i was so happy i could see the stars so good i actually nearly cried. Sorry i just feel the need to share that :')

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