UnderSwap Sans x Sad! Reader ~Teary eyed Love~

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You were in waterfall and just sat on the ground with echo flowers around you. You held your knees close to your chest and sighed. "I'm useless..." you said to yourself and felt those familiar tears swell up in your eyes. "I'm ugly..." you said and felt a tear fall down your face "I can't do this anymore..." you said and felt more tears fall down from your face "I don't want to do this anymore..." and then you felt a waterfall fall down your eyes. After you cried you went to Snowdin to hang around with Papyrus. When you saw him you waved your hand to him "Hi Paps~" you said with a smile and you both started to hang. On the other hand a blue eyed skeleton was walking through waterfall or more skipping through it. He started to hum a familiar melody untill he heard your voice "oh it's Y/N!" he said excitedly and ran to your voice but only saw the echo flowers. He heard them mumble so he bend down and listened more closely. The words he heard broke his heart. "I'm useless... I'm ugly... I can't do this anymore... i don't want to do this anymore..." he stood up in suprise. He looked down at the flowers and felt himself become sad. "Why... would she said that...?" he asked to himself and felt his happy self become temporarily sad. He walked back to Snowdin and saw that night had token over and while he was about to walk home he saw you sit on a bench alone with a sad look on your face. He walked to you slowly and when he was close to you. He took an arm on your shoulder. You looked at him with a little suprised look "Hey Sans, what is it?" you looked at him with a worried look and saw something was wrong and out of nowhere he hugged you tightly "S-San-" "Please don't say those things..." you looked at him and remembered that he had walked to waterfalls' "H-Hey S-San-" "please don't be sad... I want you to be happy a-and if there is anything i can do... i-i can help you...i-i..." then you heard something that you thought you'd never hear. The sound of Sans crying "Hey Sans don't worry... please look at me... if you cry y-you are gonna m-make m-me..." he pulled away and you started to cry softly. He took his boney hands on your cheeks and wiped the tears that fell from your dull eyes. "P-Please sweetie... don't leave..." he said and took his arms around you softly. "I'll help you with anything, alright?" he said and calmed himself down while he let you cry on his shoulder "I'll do everything for you... So please don't leave us... don't leave me..." he whispered softly into your ear while he whispered more sweet and caring things into your ear. He started to take his fingers through your soft H/C hair softly. "Sweetie?" "hm?" "Are you okay now?" "......" "I understand... i'll hold you untill you are okay again...okay?" "what if it takes a long time?" "It dosen't matter because i care about you" ".....Thank you Sans...." 

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