Vampire! Papyrus x Reader

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Look at that picture though XD

Requested by: Coolness567 and deadlylamas

Hope you'll enjoy!

You both were just taking a stroll through Snowdin, enjoying the free day Papyrus had which was highly unusual for him. He always resisted to take days off but you talked to him that he should and he did it. He listened to you quite often which was pretty good. You always used it when he was stressed out or when he was working way to much. Even how happy, innocent and naive he is, he really does work hard and he tries his best to make his dreams come true for him and his brother. He was truly the kindest creature you have ever meet. Anyways like i said you both were taking a stroll through Snowdin because he didn't want to be in his room and be lazy even if it were his day off. You wouldn't mind sleeping in your bed though. It has been a stressful week for you to. He saw this and looked at you worriedly "Are you okay, human?" he asked and you nodded. "Yeah, just a little bit tired" you said and he nodded "You must take care of yourself! Humans must at least sleep 8 hours per day!" he pointed out and you only nodded "Yeah, i know" you only said and he looked away a bit. "Human, can i tell you something?" he asked suddenly and you titled your head at his weird and sudden question. "Yeah, what is it?" you asked and he sighed out nervously. Okay now this was weird. He was never nervous so why is he it now? "It's a secret so promise not to tell anyone at all, you are the only one who can understand this" he said and you felt a little bit special by his remark. He trusted you. "I promise Papyrus, now tell me, what is it?" you asked and he started to fiddle with his fingers "I have heard something on the human internet..." he started and you nodded "Okay?" you said unsure, motioning for him to continue. "A-And i accidentally looked up something called a... vampire" he continued and now you saw that he was really nervous "T-They drink blood... r-right?" he asked and you nodded "I...I think i am one..." he mumbled out and you looked at him confused. You know he didn't really lie about those kind of things. "You drink blood? Like do you need it?" you asked and he nodded "Y-Yeah... i feel really dizzy if i don't drink it... I take tranquilizers with something to keep the need away though..." he confessed and you stopped walking and he looked at you with a worried look "A-Are you scared, human?" he asked and you waved your arms in front of you in a panic "N-No just surprised that's all!" you exclaimed and he smiled widely "I feel so relived!" he said and took you in a bear hug. He hugged you tightly for a while and he placed you onto the ground softly after a while. "I just want to ask some things" you said and he nodded happily. "How long have you been this way?" you asked and he looked down at the ground "As long as i could remember" he said and you nodded "So, you were born like this?" you asked and he shook his head "Someone made me this way" he said sadly and you immediately regretted you asked that. "A-Anyways! You should have told me sooner Papyrus! We are friends!" you said and he nodded "I know i just... don't want to scare you away" he said and you held the urge to squeeze him. His so damn cute. You only laughed a bit "Papyrus, i would never leave you" you said and his small eye sockets lighten up by the words you said "Thank you, human!" he exclaimed and hugged you once again and  you immediately hugged him back. 

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