UnderSwap Sans x Self harm! Reader ~Lovely Sadness~

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I have some requests left but this story have bugged me all day so i HAD to write it!

Trigger warning

It was an ordinary day at the surface. People around you where laughing and having a great time but you on the other hand felt like crap. You don't know when this feeling started but it have been there for a while. That's all you know. You had some friends around you that helps you but it didn't feel like enough and plus they didn't know what you felt. Sans on the other hand have acted strange around you recently. He have followed you around, asked how you are feeling and even asking if he could sleep in the same bed as you. You wondered why he would act like this but you shrugged it off. It's not like he knew that you hurt yourself. Yeah, you did. You cut yourself. Mostly on your legs because that was one of the body parts you rarely showed. This was one of those days when you felt like crap and you just wanted to hide from the world. You had walked into your room (You are living with the skelebros) and closed the door. You sat on your knees onto the floor while you cried softly. You thought no one could hear you until you heard someone come in "Ah, Y/N can i-" the voice stopped itself in mid sentence and immediately started to get panic. When you looked up you saw Sans spinning around and was looking rather flustered of the situation. "W-What happened? D-Did someone hurt you? O-Or is it something e-else?" he asked nervously and you only shook your head while you looked at the ground. "Sans..." you said quietly and he looked at you with worry on his face "Y-Yes?" he said uncertainly and you tried to sound as normally as you could. "Please... go downstairs to Papyrus... I just want to be alone..." you said and started to think over where you left your knife at "NO!" he suddenly exclaimed out and hugged you tightly. You got surprised by this and but looked forward "I-If i leave you alone you will hurt yourself!" your eyes widen when those words left his tongue and you heard that he started to cry. "I-If i leave you, you will bleed like you did last time! Y-You will cry really bad to!" He said and hugged you even more while he buried his face onto your neck. "I-I won't leave!" he said and you looked down with a dull expression in your eyes. "Sans... pl-" "NO!" you cringed when he yelled out like that. Not because you where scared it was because he sounded so sad. It made your soul get a crack if it didn't have enough of those already. You closed your eyes and felt your own tears threaten to spill "Sans..." you started and you felt his arms tighten around you body. "When did you see me do it..?" you asked and you heard him take in a shaky sigh. "L-Last week... You didn't know that i was staying home because Papyrus said that i couldn't come to his work that night because it would become late... You had left your door a bit open so i peeked in because i heard crying and i... i saw you where crying really bad onto the floor while you had h-hurt yourself on your l-legs..." You narrowed your eyes away from Sans and felt him cry more onto you. "I-I don't want to lose you! Y-You don't have to do this!" he said and you stopped hugging him and saw that there were a light blue liquid leaking from his innocent eyes. You felt your soul ache and you couldn't hold it in anymore. You started to cry to and he pulled you close to his chest. "It's okay Y/N... It will go over not today and maybe not tomorrow but soon..." He said comforting while he started to wag you from left to right. He hummed softly to and took his fingers through your hair in an attempt to calm you down. It worked after a while because you where asleep on him. He looked down at you sadly but kissed your head 

"You don't know how precious you are"

I forgot to say this on my Error fanfic so i'll say it here. If you are struggling with anything like this. It will get better, i promise <3 and if it feels like you can't talk to somebody there is a really good site called 7 cups of tea and i will give you the link to it to!

Link: http://www.7cups.com/

Stay strong and determined people!

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