SwapFell Papyrus x Reader

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Umm, Anyways

Requested by: Y2Ashlee

Hope you'll enjoy!

You were lying onto his bed, sleeping safe and soundly. You have been working night and you weren't really used to it so Papyrus said you could sleep in his bed for the night because his house was closer than yours but his blanket wasn't really that warm so you took his jacket, put it on and slept with it. It was quite warm and fluffy. Papyrus had just come into the house feeling tired of work and life itself. It had been a rough night. He walked up groggily to his room and remembered that you were sleeping in his bed. He looked at you and saw that you had his jacket on. You stole it! He would normally be a bit mad if someone touched it but he kind of had a little crush on you... okay it was huge so seeing you wearing his jacket which was way too big on you just made his soul flutter happily. He walked up to you and sat down onto the bed softly, not wanting to wake you up from your quiet slumber. He smiled down at you and started to take his fingers through your hair. After some moments he stopped and decided to lie beside you. He pulled up the covers and crawled down in them slowly. He looked at you for a while, admiring how cute you looked when you were asleep when suddenly he saw your eyes flutter open. You sat up a bit, startled that he was there and you realized you were wearing his jacket which made you blush. "It's okay" he said and you looked down at him. Suddenly he pulled you down by taking his arms softly around you. "It's okay..." he said and buried his face onto your head, taking in your smell which made him a bit intoxicated. He sighed lovingly "You smell nice..." he said and brought you closer to him "I wish I can stay with you like this forever..." he mumbled and you wondered what was wrong with him. He never acted like this but it was nice that someone said these kind of things to you even though you weren't really used to it. "Sweetie, is there something wrong?" he asked when he felt your body was a bit stiff "N-No, I'm not used to someone holding me, I guess" you said and laughed nervously. He chuckled softly "Well you better start being it then" he said "Because now when we both work night we are going to start sharing beds" he said and you looked up at him "you sound excited" you said and he smiled "Of course I am, I can sleep beside the most beautiful and amazing person I have ever met" he said and kissed your forehead softly. You blushed softly and buried your face onto his chest. He chuckled once again and pulled you closer to him. "You are so cute" he said and sighed lovingly once again "I'm happy that we can start seeing each other more often" he said and you nodded "Yeah, we never really saw each other that often before" you said and he shook his head "I missed you" he said and you narrowed your eyes at him "I missed talking to you, I missed hugging you and kissing you..." he said and you blushed even more "It's quite obvious that I have a crush on you" he said and you nodded. "And it's quite obvious that I return the same feelings... "You mumbled. He looked down at you with a bit of widen eyes but he smiled softly. "Thank you my love" he said and started to place small kisses on your head "I love you" he said mumbled lovingly while he buried his face onto your hair once again.

"I love you to"

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