Blue Youth

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Blue was very young when he heard of the legend of a Steve that will be created by different color Steves to save everyone from the coming darkness. The young one had believed that story since he first heard it from Elder Blaine, an Elder Blue, with the other young children. The legend brought some hope to Blue's small town in the middle of a snowy biome; hope that Blue never saw in the eyes of everyone he lived with, it was very rare. Before then, the only hope he ever seen was when he looked in a mirror to see it in his own blue eyes with specks of grey in them.

Young as he is, everyone thought of him as very strange: happy in a gloomy place, smart for a small one, kind in a not so kind town, the list goes on and on. That's why Bason, Blue's biggest bully, can get away with bulling him and that he is Elder Ben's grandson. Even with Bason and his gang physically and mentally hurt Blue, Blue always gets right back up.  

(Bason is Jason with a B) 

One day, an Elder Blue came to Blue's village after word of him and his party found a Blue relic deep under the snowy mountain they lived on and them coming there to rest. Everyone in the village prepared for the Elder Blue, who Blue found out was Elder Ben, and his party's arrival. Blue watch as his people went to put on their best clothes, made guest rooms, and cook food for the guests that are soon to come. Meanwhile, Blue sat in his house reading; his parents and older brother were out. He knows he should be excited for Elder Ben coming here yet at the same time he is not. There was an odd feeling inside of him saying that Elder Ben would not be the biggest surprise; he felt someone else will be there, someone who was above an Elder, above everyone.

Blue heard a lot of cheering indicating that Elder Ben and his party has arrived. He put down his book and pushed aside the weird feeling he has, and went outside where everyone was. Some how he manage to find his older brother Beige close to the front of the crowd. Out of everyone, Beige was the nicest to Blue and that includes their parents.

Everyone went quiet when Elder Ben raised his arms so he could speak. He spoke of how they found an ancient Blue relic buried deep within the mountain. The price for finding it, however, was the lost of two warriors and one miner. Once they had found it, it spoke to Elder Ben. It had said:

'Only the one with a heart of pure gold can shine light in the darkest places. Only the one with a rational mind can find a way out in the time of doubt. Only the one with a strong spirit can guide others from the darkness. The one who is chosen shall guide the savior of darkness, shall save him from himself and shall stand beside him no matter the cost'

Everyone muttered throughout the crowd, wondering who in the village is the one the relic spoke about. Elder Ben raised his arms again for silence, he said that the relic gave him hints about the one it has chosen; all children of six to fourteen were told to step forward. In total, there were fourteen: Blue being one of the youngest, Beige being the second oldest and Blaine being in between. The Blue Steves muttered who it would be, no one thought it would be Blue because "he is too weird to be chosen".

Elder Ben went on to talk about other things, but at that point he felt someone watching him. He look around to see an odd Steve standing behind a house watching him. Blue look around to see if anyone was look, which no one was, before he slipped away from the other kids.

Beige saw his younger brother slip away, he wanted to stop him, but he felt he shouldn't. He let out a soft sign before he slipped away from the crowd, but did not go in the same direction as Blue did, instead he sat down at a near by house. He pulled his knees to his chest then hugged them. He hoped for his little brother to be chosen, he did not deserve a life like this. From the being, Beige knew Blue was never meant to live here, no, he was meant to explore in the open. The question in his head was if he was ready to let him go then.

'You wish for him to have a better life and yet you don't want him to leave?'

Beige jumped a bit before he realize who was speaking, 'It's something like that. He deserves to be out there and not here.'

'And how do you know that?'

'Ever since he was born he was different. For the first time I saw light that I never saw, hope that I never felt'

'What if I told you that you will get your wish?'

Beige's eyes widen, 'Really?!'



'You'll see soon, but for now I must ask you a favor in the near future'

'You did so much for me. What do you need?'

'In the future, I need you to be test for the savior of darkness'

'A test?'

'Yes. I shall give you the power and change your appearance so no one can recognize you'

'Can you tell me what the test is about?'

'Who would he chose: a smile or his powers'


Word count: 931

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