(16) NegativeSabre

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Negative Steve x Favremysabre

Part two of PositiveLucas, but with Negative and Sabre


Negative teleport away from his brother in Lucas' world to Sabre's world. He landed a distance away from the Rainbow Town, thankfully so Sabre and Rainbow won't expect anything, especially his gem. First things first: get his gem away from that pesky Rainbow. Though that was not needed when he seen Sabre leaving the Rainbow Town.



Sabre left the Rainbow Town to get some supplies. He knows Rainbow could get them, but he wanted to explore a bit. Soon he found a cave with several pockets of coal and iron. A big smile appeared on his face as he started to mine the materials with his iron pickax.

Sabre was almost finished mining a pocket of iron when he heard footsteps coming near him. Getting out his iron sword just in case it was a mob, Sabre peered around the corner of the hole he made before stepping out to look around him. 

There was nothing.

Sabre shrugged it off thinking it was his senses tricking him and went back to mining.

(You know how you are in a cave that is extremely quiet and keep you eyes and  ears out for any signs of a mob that you think you hear them yet you don't)

Once he was done, Sabre put back his pickax and pulled out a torch to see in the dimly lighted cave. Though when he turned around the wall was block by cobblestone.

"How did that happen?" Sabre went to get his pickax out, but his bag was pulled away from him from behind.

"You're not thinking of leaving so soon Sabre?" Sabre knew that voice form anywhere. He felt the Steve's breath tickle his ear, "Turn around"

Knowing what the Steve could do to him, he turned around to see Negative staring down at him with a smirk.

"Not so confident when cornered, are you?" Negative teased.

Sabre swallowed and stood in a defensive position, "What do you want Negative?"

"There's the confidence I wanted to see"

"What. Do. You. Want" Sabre girted his teeth. Negative was getting on his nerves.

"What do I want hmm..." Negative put a hand under his chin before snapping his fingers and pointed at Sabre, "I want you, my gem"

It was barely five seconds when Sabre found himself being pinned to the wall behind him by his wrists.

"Let me go Negative" Sabre struggle, but the Steve did not budge.

Negative smirk at the human's struggles, "I waited too long to get you in this position, I should get a prize don't you think?"

"No! Let me go"

"I know" Negative used one hand to hold both of Sabre's wrists and used his free hand to take off Sabre's bandanna to reveal bright grey eyes filled with fear.

"I always wanted to see you without your bandanna and might I say, you eyes are beautiful" Sabre struggle even more than ever as he tried to kick Negative, but his efforts were futile.

Negative tied the bandanna tightly around Sabre's wrist's then pulled the hood down to reveal even more of his light brown hair.

"Absolutely beautify my gem" Negative chuckled. At this point Sabre started to cry out of fear knowing he couldn't take the Steve head on.

"Don't worry, my time is limited here with you, but I'll make sure this experience will make you want more" The Steve brought up Sabre's tied wrists up to his face and pulled down the sleeves. His tongue traced down up and down his each wrist causing Sabre to shiver.

"P-please Negative" Sabre whimpered. Negative ignored the humans pleads and continued. He put a hand over Sabre's neck and applied light pressure. Negative then stared into Sabre's scared grey eyes and smashed his lips onto Sabre's before he could even blink.

Sabre gasped when he felt Negative's tongue invade his mouth and tried to pull away. Though his struggles didn't last long when he felt Negative's hand add pressure to his neck the more he struggles.

Soon Negative pulled away completely from Sabre, letting him to fall onto the floor on his knees panting. Negative kneeled down and cupped Sabre's chin with his hand so he was looking at the Steve. He then lead in to his ear and whispered,

"I'll be back Sabre and when I do, you'll be mine. Like your friend will be my brothers' " Nightmare kissed sabre head, "I'll return soon my gem."    


Word count: 759

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