(57) Darkmare

876 17 10

Nightmare Steve x Dark Steve 

I would call this Darknight but that's been taken by Batman. :p

Requested by TheDiamondLu

Requested prompt: Dark Steve goes out and almost gets killed and Nightmare saves him


Nightmare boredly watch as the human in white ran all over the place, he could careless about the human and just leave. What made him stay was a mystery to him. 

Well that was a lie.

His reason for staying was following not to far from the human: Dark.

Dark, a Steve who served Nightmare for years, was following the human as his curiosity got the best of him once again. He was interested in what and who the new being was so he went out to see, from a distance of course. Earlier that day, Dark had asked Nightmare to follow the human to see what he was doing, the older Steve allowed him to go, but unknowing to Dark, Nightmare was following him. Nightmare would never admit it, but he all ways had a soft spot when it came to Dark; it was something he couldn't help. After becoming evil, Dark was the only one who stood by him and stayed loyal the whole time. Like Dark was doing to the human, Nightmare kept his distance not wanting to alert anyone of his presence. 

Dark and the human soon entered a dark forest when lighting started to strike the both of them. The human quickly dug beneth him to get away, but Dark was not as lucky as the lightning only focused souly on Dark. Nightmare relized that the forest that they were in was the home of a lightning spirit, that appeared to be angered by the ininvited guests. Quickly, Nightmare went into the forest. As for Dark, he was knock off his feet by the explosion by the lightning and was continualy struck so many times that only a few more times and it would be the end on him.

Just before the final strike could be dealt, it was intercepted by one of Nightmare's own lightning. Nightmare picked up the uncouncious and badly hurt Dark and teleport them back to the Nightmare Dimension, away from the forest.


Nightmare was in panic when he fully sees Dark's injuries after settling him on his king size bed. Cuts littered Dark's body as blood leak from them and his breathing was very shallow to the point Nightmare had to check his pulse to see if he was still alive. Snapping out of his state, Nightmare quickly tended to Dark's wounds as best he could. It was usually him who got hurt and Dark would patch him up. When Nightmare was finished, he sat in his bed and held Dark close to him, hoping that what he did would help. Hours past and Nightmare was getting very worried that Dark wasn't getting an better.

"Nightmare?" Dark whispered as he regain consciousness. 

"Dark?" Nightmare said with worried laced in his voice, "A-Are you okay?"

Dark let out a groan and curled himself into Nightmare, "I feel sore. What happened?"

"Let's just say, you and the human woundered into a forest of a lightning spirit" Nightmare said running his hand through Dark's hair as his other arm held onto him.

 "W-Were you following the human?"

"No, I was following you" Nightmare said honestly.

Dark look into Nightmare's eyes with confusion, "Why were you following me?"

"I was worried"

Dark couldn't help but to chuckle, the Nightmare King was worried about a Steve like him, now that's classic.

"What's so funny?"

"You worried for me? Pht" Dark laughed as he went to get off Nightmare and the bed, wincing from his injuries.

Before Dark could touch the floor, Nightmare grab Dark and pinned onto the the bed with him hovering over him. Nightmare used one hand to hold Dark's wrists while the other went around his neck.

"Why is that so funny?" Nightmare glared.

"When have you ever cared for me? I'm just some servant to you that is just a pawn in your game" Dark smiled, but his smile quickly went away when he seen the dark look on Nightmare's face.

"So that is what you think" Nightmare's grip on Dark's wrists got tight to the point Dark whimpered from the pain.

"Answer me!" Nightmare demanded adding pressure to Dark's throat.

"Y-Yes" Dark's voice was full of fear. Did he push his luck? Will Nightmare kill him like he does to the others? Why did he open his mouth? Now he's going to get punish if not killed.

Nightmare's dark expression faded when he noticed that Dark was panicing.

"Dark" Nightmare said softly, but that did everything but calm Dark.

"I-I'm sorry my king. I didn't mean to laugh at what you said. I didn't mean it, I'm so sorry" Dark rambled off apologizes.

Wordless, Nightmare got off of Dark and pulled him into to lap then tried to sooth the young Steve.

"Shh, I'm not mad Dark. You've done nothing wrong" Nightmare rubbed Dark's back as he sobbed, "Why are you crying?"

"I-I'm scared" Dark whimpered.

Nightmare wasn't surprised at Dark's vulnerability at this point, before Dark would break down and show a side that never comes out.

"Why are you scared little one?"

"T-That you're going to do to me wh-what you've done with t-the others" Dark was now shaking in Nightmare's arms.

"I'm not nor will I ever do that to you Dark" Nightmare lifted Dark's chin so that they were looking in each others eyes, "I can't ever hurt you, you say that you're a pawn, but to me you are my equal. Do you ever know why everyone who served me calls you 'Dark Prince'?" 

Dark shook his head. That was a question that has been on his mind for years: everyone, sometimes even Nightmare, would call him the Dark Prince.

"I told them to because you, my dear Dark" Nightmare put a hand on one of Dark's cheeks, "are my young prince of my kingdom" 

Nightmare kissed the top of Dark's head.

"And to answer your question, I always cared for you, I cared for you ever since you were just a young child"


Word count: 1042

Requests remaining: 1

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