(61) ShadowDark

810 9 4

Dark Steve x Shadow Steve

Requested by ArchCode91


Shadow found Dark sitting a the edge of the room of the Nightmare Castle. He was the newest addition to the Nightmare King's army and was trying to find someone to talk to and who better than the Dark Prince. Yeah, Nightmare told him to call Dark the Dark Prince for some odd reason. Him and Dark have been friends for a long time, which is weird since, from what Shadow heard, no one except for Nightmare was close to the Dark Prince and everyone stayed away out of fear of him or of Nightmare. 

"Hey there Dark Prince" Shadow said getting the Steve's attention.

"I told you not to call me that" Dark groaned.

"Why not? The Nightmre King-"

"He only says that so no one messes with me, not that you didn't know already" Dark turn back to the senery in front of him, "What are you doing here anyways Shadow? Shouldn't you be training or something?"

"Yes, but I wanted to talk" Shadow shrugged and sat down next to Dark.

Shadow glanced at Dark who seemed lost in thought and saw that his eyes were filled with sadness.

"Is something wrong?" Shadow asked his friend.

Dark glanced at Shadow for a moment, "Have you ever felt strange when you are around one certain person?"

"Awwe, does the Dark Prince like someone?" Shadow teased, but his smile turned into a frown when he saw the look Dark's face, "Dark, I didn't-"

"It's fine" Dark mumbled, "It doesn't matter, they wouldn't like me back anyways"

Shadow never seen Dark look so defeated, usually he stood proud and strong, but this side of Dark is like a stab in the heart for Shadow. Turning Dark around, Shadow look directly into Dark's eyes.

"Now, what happen to my best friend who would stand proud and tall? You're not going to let a dump crush get you down" Shadow said hoping to raise Dark's spirits.

"It's not some crush okay, I liked them for a long time. They were the first one who didn't fear me because of Nightmare or my title." Dark said with an unsteady voice, "Everyone fears me Shadow, just because I'm the closest person to Nightmare; he's just my friend who looks after me. I-I just want to love someone and for them to love me"

Bring the crying Dark into a hug and comfort him, Shadow felt his heart taring in two; he never seen his friend cry. Was someone loving Dark really hurting him this badly?

"Dark, who do you like? I'll talk to them if you want" Shadow offered a small smile though that was only for Dark, the one that Dark likes will be lucky to even move once he gets done with them; no one hurts his friend, no one hurts his Dark.

"You would hate me if I tell you" Dark said pushing Shadow away, but Shadow grabbed his shoulders.

"I would never hate you Dark, I could never hate you, I-" Shadow cut himself off then said softly, "I care for you too much Dark"

"I-I" Dark stuttered, "I like you!"

When those words came out of Dark's mouth, Shadow froze and stared at Dark with an undefinable expression. As for Dark, he couldn't look Shadow in the eyes, but when he felt the warm hands slide off his shoulders, he knows Shadow's answer.

"I-I'm sorry" Dark said in tears before running away leaving Shadow alone.


Word count: 582

Requests remaining: 2  

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