(49) TimeSabre

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Time Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by gh13457

The Rainbow Town is still around


In the Rainbow Town, everyone else was out doing their own thing with each other except for Time. Instead of enjoying the company of others, he was sitting at the edge of a lake with his legs in the water. In his hands was a torn up stuff brown bear that he got from Elemental before.... that. It was amazing that it was still in one piece, or to phrase it better, it wasn't all torn up. The content smile on the Steve's face turn into a frown when he noticed his bear's arm was coming apart; it already lost an ear and an eye, now it's losing its arm.


The said Steve jumped and hide the bear from who ever it was, thankfully it was just Sabre. Time didn't mind as much if it was Sabre who saw his bear.

"H-Hi S-Sabre" Time stuttered nervously.

Sabre took a seat next to him after rubbing his head.

"What are you doing here? Elemental and everyone else is looking for you" 

"R-Really?" Time didn't know that anyone notice he was gone.

Sabre chuckled, "Yeah, Rainbow really wants you to meet Light."

"Who's that?"

"You'll have to go and see"

Time smiled, got up, and waited for Sabre to get up so that they could walk together, but the human told him to go on ahead. After Time left, Sabre laid down on his back, let out a sign, and look at the sky above feeling relax. Out of the corner of his eye, Sabre saw an old, torn up stuff bear. 

'Is this Time's?'  Sabre thought as he sat up and look at the bear. Figuring that it wasn't there until Time left, the bear belongs to the young Steve.

"Let's fix you up" Sabre muttered. He walk over to the Rainbow House and once he got everything he needed, he started to fix the bear.


Time was having fun talking to the Steves especially Elemental and Light, who was just the nicest Steve ever. When Time talk to Elemental, he went to get his bear in his pocket to show his older brother, only to find that it wasn't there.

"Time?" Elemental asked when he noticed his brother started to cry, "Time, what's wrong?"

"I-It's gone" Time hiccup and search frantically for his missing friend.

"What's gone?" Elemental asked worried.

Time didn't answer as he was running to the lake where he was hours ago with Sabre and hoped that his bear was still there, but to his disappointment it was not there. He feel onto his knees and started to cry, he lost the one thing left of his childhood.


Once again the his name was called out by the same person, only this time it was filled with concern. Time look up to see Sabre running to him and his brother standing on the grass not knowing what to do. It was obvious that Elemental got Sabre since he was better at comforting someone and finding what was wrong. 

Sabre got onto his knees and pulled Time into a comforting hug which Time returned and sobbed. Once Time calmed down, Sabre talk.

"What's wrong Time? Elemental was very worried"

"I-I lost it" Time hiccupped.

"Lost what?"

If it was anyone else then Time wouldn't said anything, but this was Sabre who was here.

"A-A b-bear that E-Elmental gave me b-before the I-incident"

Sabre look behind him towards Elemental and gave him a nod meaning he got the situation under control. Elemental understand and with one last look at Time, he went to join the others knowing that his brother was in good hand. Sabre then pushed Time away, wiping the remainder of tears off of his face.

"I was going to surprise you but" Sabre pulled out a clean and newly fixed stuff bear, "it seems you need him more than ever"

Time look at his bear then to Sabre before tackling him onto the ground and hugging him tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you" Time repeated.

All Sabre could do was hug Time back and told him it was nothing.

"It means everything Sabre" Time said pulling away and look down at the human who gave everything back to him, "First you gave me back my brother, now you gave me back my childhood. You gave me everything I lost that I cared for back better than before."

Time look deep into Sabre's eyes, "Then you gave me friends, a family and a place to call home; a place that I never had for as long as I could remember." Time felt good not to stutter for that long.

Sabre went to sit up, which Time let him, so now both were sitting in the sand of the river.

"That's what I do" Sabre smiled then gave Time a soft look, "I want everyone to have what they lost. Now let's go back and this time I'm walking with you"

Time look down at his newly fixed bear, "Can you go on ahead? I want to do something first"

"Alright, just don't stay too late" Sabre said before walking away.

Time watch as Sabre walk away before looking at his bear. His heart was racing like no tomorrow and he knows his was blushing by the way his cheeks burn.

'W-What are these emotions? Why do I feel them when Sabre is around?'  

"Do I like him?" Time said out loud then shook his head, dismissing the thought, "No, I don't like him. I think, no, I know"

Time got up, "I know love you Sabre"


Word count: 944

Requests remaining: 1

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