(30) ElementalSabre

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Elemental Steve x Favremysabre

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel

Book is out "Forced yet Regreted"


Sabre let out a groan when he woke up in a cell on a bed. Him and Rainbow were teleport somewhere by Elemental after trying to trap him, which failed obviously. Now Sabre is alone, not knowing where Rainbow was or what Elemental wants.

"Where are the artifacts?" Sabre's shook up when he heard Elemental's voice.

"I don't know anything about any artifacts" Sabre heard Rainbow growl. 

Elemental then said something that Sabre could not hear.

"Don't you DARE lay a hand on him!" Rainbow yelled, "Don't you DARE  think about it!"

Sabre didn't hear anymore when he heard a door open and closed. Standing in front of him was Elemental grinning at him.

"Hello FavremySabre" Elemental said.

"H-How do you?" No one knows his player name, not even Rainbow.

"I know some things about you FavremySabre" Elemental chuckle.

"Stop saying my name!" Sabre was getting irritated, a human's player is the name only the play themselves and other players only know.

Elemental shook his head then entered Sabre's cell, "I prefer not, FavremySabre"

Sabre gritted his teeth and clench his fists, he can't let the Steve get under his skin, "Where is Rainbow?"

Elemental stop smiling and stalk closer to Sabre who took steps back until he back into a wall. Before he knew it, Elemental trap him with his hands on both sides of his head.

"Don't you dare mention that Steve's name in my presence" Elemental growled.

"I'll mention him any time I please. Now, where is Rainbow?" Sabre glared at Elemental, swallowing his fear.

Elemental lowered his hands and Sabre let out a shaky breath, but that lasted only a few seconds when he felt Elemental grab the collar of his shirt with one hand and lifted him up off the ground. Sabre placed his hands on top of Elemental's as he struggle to get out of the Steve's hold.

"L-let me go!" Sabre struggled. 

Elemental chuckle and ran his free hand up and down the human's face, "That isn't going to happen any time soon FavremySabre"

Sabre froze when he felt Elemental's hand stroking his cheek.

"Aww, is Favremysabre scared?" Elemental leaned in close to Sabre's ear, "Might I say, you look far more delectable in this state then when you are all fired up"

Elemental then lick Sabre's ear getting a shiver and moan out of the human. The Steve traced his tongue down to his jawline and around his neck.

"I wonder, what if I marked you? I mean you look too delectable to resist" Sabre didn't understand what Elemental meant by 'marking' him, but he was scared no the less.


"Aww", Elemental slammed Sabre against the wall making him groan in pain, "Did you think I was asking? No, I wasn't. I waited quite awhile to get you in this position and I'm not letting you go just like that."


"You heard me Sabre, yes I have been watching you and that colorful Steve, but I always had my eye especially on you"

"W-why me?"

Elemental smiled and traced Sabre's bandanna then pull it up just above one of his eyes to reveal bright grey eyes, "You are different, and not because you are human. You have a strong spirit and a fire within that won't be extinguished any time soon." The Steve put Sabre back on the ground.

"What do you want with me and Rainbow?!" Sabre yelled. He tried to ignore what Elemental said; its not important. What is important is where Rainbow is.

Elemental's face harden at Rainbow's name and grip Sabre's light brown hair tightly pulling it so his head would tilt one way.

"I told you NOT to say that name in my presence. He has the knowledge of items that will give me power. As for you", Elemental let out a very dark chuckle and leaned in close enough that Sabre could feel his breath on his neck causing him to shiver, "you'll be there to experience everything my dear." 

Elemental bit Sabre neck, marking him and causing Sabre to scream in pain, "You're mine FavremySabre. All mine"

"All...yours..." Sabre breathed, his grey eyes were mix with gold once he said those words.

"All yours"


Word Count: 713

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