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Chaos Steve x TheLspike

I have one thing to say: you can request AUs if you wish I do not mind at all. Whether it be high school or supernatural or something else, I do not mind. 

Also thank you MelissaC2000 (the one who requested this) for helping me get an idea for this one-shot. Remember, references might be wrong. 


 It was a peaceful day in Lucas' world, him and Sabre were taking a walk through the desert where Lucas built his home to catch up after some time. Both were chatting happily when they heard lighting not far from them.

"Rainbow?" Sabre asked with fear laced in his voice.

"Your world" Lucas whispered.

 The two look at each other and gulped, no Steve could travel between their world without a machine or their permission. The only exception is a Steve with enormous amount of power which there are a few that they encountered: Nightmare (who they 'destroyed'), Ultra and....Chaos.

"L-Lucas" Sabre panicked and pointed a direction in the sky.

Following Sabre's line of sight, Lucas' eyes widened at the figure floating not too far and staring at them, well it was more like they were staring at Lucas. Grabbing Sabre's hand, they ran as far as they could from the Steve who started to descend as he followed them. Soon they found a cave and went as deep as they could to hide from the Steve only to stop when they thought they were safe.

"D-Did you see w-who it was?" Lucas huffed.

"It was-" Sabre cut himself off when he noticed someone behind his best friend and tried to warn him, "Lucas behind you!" 

Before Lucas could register what Sabre said, an arm wrap around him, pulling him back away from Sabre and hoisted him up off of the ground. Sabre ran to help, but there was one thing neither human noticed: parts of the cave was made of gravel which the Steve used for his advantage. It only took a single punch on a piece of gravel for the cave to collapse and filled with water forcing Sabre away from Lucas (those times were water over powers you and is a pain in the butt).

"Lucas/Sabre!" The friends screamed for each other until they were too far apart to hear each other.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Lucas struggled in, who he figured out with process of elimination, Chaos' grip.

Chaos turned Lucas around so they were facing each other and asked, "Are sure?"

Lucas was confused so he look down to see they were over a pool of lava and fear took over every ounce of fight causing him to latch onto Chaos. The Steve chuckled at the human's reaction.

 "Do you still wish I let you go?" 

Lucas' body shook as he pleaded, "Please don't, please don't drop me. I-I don't want to fall into the lava"

Chaos held Lucas closer and rubbed his back to sooth him just a bit. There was sense of pride for seeing the cause of the human's fear was because him.

"I won't drop you Lucas, unless you start to fight me" Chaos said in a low voice for Lucas to hear.

"I-I won't. Just please don't drop me" Lucas pleaded. At this point he didn't care who it was he was dealing with, he just doesn't want to be dropped. Yes he would repawn, but there is a price to pay and it's not with his inventory.

Holding Lucas tighter, Chaos flew over the pool of lava to a safe spot for him to put the human down not that he mind the blonde holding onto him as though his life depended on it (which it kind of was.)

"You can open your eyes Lucas" Chaos muttered in Lucas' ear, "You're safe"

Lucas shook his head, fear filled his veins as he starts to have a panic attack something he couldn't stop on his own once it starts. (Sabre deals with insomnia and Lucas deals with panic attacks, they both have something to deal with)

Chaos heard Lucas' breathing pick up and did his best to comfort the blonde from going into a full blown panic attack, something he know how to deal with when he was younger.

"Breath Lucas. Follow me: inhale 1,2,3,4 exhale 1,2,3,4" Chaos repeated this a few times until he felt Lucas relax, "That's it, listen to the rythme of my heart"

Lucas did as Choas told him soon he became sleepy to the rythme of Chaos' heart. The Steve lifted Lucas in his arms when he notice that the blonde had fallen into a peaceful asleep. Maybe treatening the human to drop him in a pool of lava wasn't a good idea (only humans who are players know the concequences of dying then respawning). Chaos signed to himself, he didn't mean to scare Lucas that badly.

"I'm sorry Lucas" Chaos said knowing that Lucas didn't hear him.

Taking a good look at Lucas' cute face, Chaos teleport out of the cave to an area near Lucas' house were he spotted Sabre. The Steve wouldn't admit it, but he was kind of afriad of the other human's reaction. Though to his surprise, Sabre just smiled and took Lucas from the Steve's arms.

"Next time, just talk to him normally" Sabre advise then left Chaos and carried Lucas back to his house.

Chaos watch the two until he couldn't see them anymore before he walk away while thinking about Lucas and what Sabre said as a small smile cross his face.


Word count: 920

Requests remaining: 12

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