(43) ReverseSabre Part 5

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Requested by Lavender_Voice


Dream panted after teleporting him and Sabre away from Reverse and the two, never had he teleport so quickly with someone else.

"A-Are you okay Dream?"

The said Steve look down to a tear stain face of Sabre, "I'm fine, what about you?"

"I'm okay, but need to go back" Sabre said as he tried to wiggle out of Dream's hold, but Dream held him tighter, "Dream?"

"I can't let you go back" Dream said sadly.

"W-Why not? I need to see if Reverse is okay"

Dream let out a small chuckle, "You're too good Sabre and Reverse needs some space. What he was doing to you wasn't health and if it continued then he could end up hurting you or himself. I'll return you after some time, but I don't think now is good."

"Alright, but where will I go? The Reverse Town was my only home" Sabre signed. Dream was right about Reverse and he knows it.

"You can stay with me and Hikari if you want" Dream offered.

(Hikari means light in Japanese and is reverse Dark)

Sabre shook his head, "Thank you, but I'm just going on a walk then go back to Reverse. I know what you said Dream, but once he realizes his mistake, he's going to do something drastic"

Dream wanted to argue, but he knows that Sabre was right on this.

"If you need anything, just yell for me. I'll come as soon as possible" Dream promised before teleporting away.

Sabre stood there for a minute before walking in a random direction. As much as he wanted to go back to Reverse or went with Dream, Sabre had to think; he had to think about everything.

'Reverse, you messed up so bad, but I can't hate you'


After Reverse watch as his love was teleport away by his enemy, that's when everything hit him all at once. Dream, a much as he hates to admit it, was right about his obsession with Sabre. Now that he thinks about it, Reverse never asked what Sabre wanted or knew what made him happy; all this time, he just assumed.

"I messed up" Reverse ran a hand through his hair as tears ran down his face, "I'm sorry Sabre, I'm so sorry. I messed up everything"

For the next several hours, Reverse cried his heart out, the only person who made him happy is gone and he was too late to realize how much he means to him. Once Reverse was done, he decided to go out, find Sabre and fix everything that he messed up. On his way out, Reverse picked up the book that messed yet helped everything.

"If it wasn't for this, Sabre would be with me, but this is the reason I know how much Sabre means to me" Reverse put the book on the bookshelf, "I'll deal with it later, Sabre is more important"

When Reverse open the door and seen the sky, he only had one thought, 'Oh no'


Sabre was running as fast as he could from several mobs.

'I thought the sun was rising, not setting!' Sabre shouted in his mind.

The human barely had time to craft himself some weapons when mobs started to spawn. What makes everything worse is that he didn't know where he was at all. When Sabre look back to see if the mobs were still chasing him, tripped over his own feet and feel on the ground. Sabre look in terror as the mobs were nearing him and couldn't move as he was frozen in fear.

'Reverse, I'm scared' Sabre thought. He closed his eyes, knowing that this is his demise.

For some odd reason, instead of the noise of mobs getting louder, they were getting quieter. Sabre open his eyes to see that he was being carried and he was in the air.

"Are you alright Sabre?"

Sabre look up to see Reverse with an extremely worried expression and noticed the tear stains on his cheeks.

"R-Reverse?!" Sabre gasp.

"Sabre" Reverse said shakenly, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

"Take me home, then we can talk" To show Reverse that he wasn't mad, Sabre smiled at him.

Reverse felt a bit better seeing Sabre smile and flew back home with Sabre in his arms, like he should be.

Once they arrived and went into the Reverse House, Reverse put Sabre on the couch and took a set on the couch near him.

"Sabre, I just want to say, I'm sorry. I love you so much and I just didn't want to lose you, but" Reverse signed, "I messed up everything and I wouldn't blame you for hating me."

Sabre placed his hands on top of Reverse's, "You did, you hurt me, went crazy, and was about to lock me up, but I can never hate you"

Reverse was speechless, after everything, Sabre didn't hate him.

"S-Sabre a-are you s-serious?"

Sabre crawled on Reverse's lap and hugged him, "Reverse, if I wasn't then I would not be doing this" He wrap his arms around Reverse's neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

Reverse was shock, but pulled Sabre closer to him and quickly clam dominance in Sabre's mouth. He missed this so much and to think he took this for granted.

"I love you, I love you so much Sabre" Reverse whispered.

"I love you to Reverse"

For a mere second, Reverse's eyes glanced at his book and decided to talk to Sabre about it tomorrow, because tonight, he's going to have Sabre in his arms.


Word count: 940

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