(25) VoidBow

946 16 8

Void Steve x Rainbow Steve

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel


Rainbow awoke to a splitting headache in a dimly lighted room on a black bed. He tried to remember how he got there in the first place when he does, his stomach sank.

'I can't believe I got myself captured, but better me than Sabre' Rainbow let out a sign, 'Sabre must be worried sick about me.'

Rainbow didn't have long to think when he heard a door open. Quickly he made it appear he was still asleep; however, the Steve knew that he was awake. 

"I know you're awake Rainbow" The voice of Void made Rainbow internally shiver as he continue to pretend sleep, hoping that Void will just go away. When he felt the bed dip, he knew that Void knew and won't be going away anytime soon.

Void lean close to Rainbow's ear and whispered, "You're not fooling anyone Rainbow now open your eyes"

There was no way out of this so Rainbow did just that and sat up.

Void let out a dark chuckle, "You can never fool me Rainbow"

"W-what do you want Void?" 

"Well I was hoping Sabre would save you and be trap here, but you played hero and let me tell you something", Void got closer to Rainbow to the point where they can feel each others breath, "you are a much sweeter prize"

Rainbow's widen at Void's words then at his actions. Void had taken advantage of Rainbow's shock state to pull him into a kiss.

"Mmmmppp" Rainbow tried to push away, but Void push him down so both of them were laying on the bed. Since Void was heavier and stronger than him, Rainbow was trap and was forced to feel Void's lips on his.

Void pulled back, but he wasn't finished. He pulled Rainbow red hair to one side so more of his neck. The darker Steve traced his lips around Rainbow's neck and his breath brought shivers through out his body.  

"You look so defenseless, so vulnerable in this state. Too cute for me to pass up. Should I mark you as mine?" Void hummed.

Rainbow thrashed as much he could to look for a way out, the word 'mark' got his attention and got him to go in a panic.

"No! Let me go!" Rainbow yelled.

Void chuckle as he put more weight onto Rainbow who gasped, "It isn't your decision Rainbow, but I do like a chase so let's make a deal"

"A-a d-deal?"

"Yes, a deal. I'll let you go and if you manage to hide from me for two hours you can go back to your friend."

"A-and if you do find me?"

"I get you" Void softly kiss Rainbow's neck, "Do we have a deal?"

Rainbow nodded and found himself in a forest with Void standing in front of him.

"Remember Rainbow, two hours then your mine" Void disappeared and Rainbow ran to find somewhere to hide. Soon he found a deep cave and hide for almost two hours.

"A few more minutes and I'm free" Rainbow said to himself.

"Are you sure about that little Steve?" Rainbow turned to find Void smiling at him. Void's hood was down to reveal his ashy grey hair and his demotic red eyes. He walk over to Rainbow who back away.

"To be all honest Rainbow, I almost didn't find you, but now that I have" Rainbow bumped into a wall and not even seconds later, Void's were on both sides of his head, "You're mine"

"Why do you even want me?!" Rainbow somehow found the courage to speak without stuttering.


"Because wh-mmph" Void put his lips on Rainbow's once again, but this time he force Rainbow to open his mouth.

"Because I like you"


"You heard me Rainbow, I like you" Void signed. He pulled Rainbow into a hug with his head on Rainbow's shoulder, "I never felt this emotion before until I saw you Rainbow. For some odd reason, when I see you I feel something in my stomach like I'm nervous. And when I see how close you and Sabre, I..."

It was Rainbow's turn to let out a sign, he ran his hand through Void's hair and felt himself relax, "What you feel for me is love and what you feel when you see Sabre and I together is jealously"

"I do not understand"

"Nether do I, but to ease you a bit, Sabre and I are friends. Yeah Sabre might be protective of me more than he should, but who can blame him after everything"

"I see"

"Void, why do want to hurt Sabre and Galaxy? I know you don't want to hurt me after your confession."

"Sabre is an innocent, but for Galaxy it's complicated"

Rainbow pulled away from the hug and look up at Void with a small smile, "Did you forget something?"

For the first time Void had confused look upon his and shook his head. Rainbow grinned and pulled Void by the collar of his black shirt so they were very close that if ether one of them leaned in any further they would kiss.

"You won the deal" Rainbow put his lips onto Void's who was surprised at the usually timid Steve, but did not ponder over it for long as he dominated the kiss.

"I was wrong about one thing", Void said once they pulled away for air, "you did fool me Rainbow"

"I did hide it for quiet awhile"

Void nipped Rainbow's neck, "That's why I fell for you"

"And that's why I love you"


Word Count: 935

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