(81) DarkLucas

443 7 1

Dark Steve x ThelSpike

Child AU or Human AU
The last chapter wasn't my best I know

Requested by MelissaC2000


Dark was walking aimlessly around his neighborhood, he didn't want to go home anytime soon especially when his brother wasn't home. As he walked, Dark kicked a pebble before he kicked it with all of his might into some bushes. He was going to continue on when heard a yelped on the other side and went to check if he accidently hit someone.

"Ow! That hurt" Dark heard someone say.

On the other side of the bushes was a blonde hair kid rubbing his head where a pebble came out of no where and hit him. Tears prickled in his eyes from the pain, but tried to hold them back.

"Hey are you okay?" 

The boy look beside him to see a kid around the same age as him with a concern expression on his face.

"I-I'm f-fine" The kid stuttered at Dark's sudden appearance.

Dark frowned and knelt down next to the blonde kid to check his injury, luckily there was a slight cut and nothing more.

"I'm sorry" 

"Sorry for what" The boy asked.

"I kicked that pebble that hit your head" Dark explained.

"Oh, it's okay" The boy smiled, "I'm Lucas by the way. What's your name?"

"I'm Dark and what are you doing in the park alone? Aren't your parents here?" Dark said looking around for anyone who looks like Lucas' parents.

"I'm just waiting for my cousin, we play here until we have to go home" Lucas said, he then reach in the pocket of his jacket and pulled out some candy, "You want some?"

Dark grab two pieces and put one in his mouth, "Thanks Lucas, you think I can stay here with you for a while"

"Sure, but don't you have to go home soon?" Lucas asked. 

"I don't like going home, the only reason I do is for my brother" Dark said plainly. He thought Lucas would look at him oddly like everyone else, but Lucas just nodded his head as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Alright" Lucas said then pulled a basketball from his backpack, "Do you want to play ball?"


The two head over to the basketball court and did some free throw shots before playing one-on-one. Dark had to admit, Lucas was really good at playing, he barely got half of Lucas' score before they decided to take a break.

"Y-You're really g-good L-Lucas" Dark panted. 

Lucas gave Dark a bottle of water, "Thanks, I'm planning to go out for basketball when I get into middle and high school"

Dark gulped down half of the bottled water, "You really should"

"That's what my cousin says"

"By the where is your cousin"

"He'll be here, you want to go another round?"

"No thank you, I rather play with you than against you" Dark laughed soon joined by Lucas.

After sharing a laugh, the two played a bit more before Lucas got a phone call from his cousin telling him that he couldn't come so Lucas had to go home by himself. When the blonde told the black hair, Dark felt really disappointed that Lucas had to go and was worried that he'll never see the blonde again.

"Here" Dark said holding the basketball out to Lucas.

Lucas look at the ball then shook his head, "Nah, you need it more than I do. Your basketball skills better improve the next time I see you"

After hiving Dark a hug, Lucas ran off not before saying,

"See you soon Dark!"

As for Dark, he watch as Lucas run out of his sight then look at the ball in his hands and smiled to himself.

'See you soon Lucas, I promise I'll get better'


Word count: 630

Request remaining: 14

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