(18) DarkLight

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Dark Steve x Light Steve

Requested by Silverspeckles


Light was taking a night time walk inside the Rainbow Town. He could not sleep because of a weird feeling he had a feeling of something happening, something bad. No one knows he's out here, but Sabre who was reading in the living room of the Rainbow House before Light went outside. Standing on the bridge, he looks in the water where the stars and moon are in the reflections. Light was oblivious to what was behind him for he was in a trance, looking in the water and the silence soothes him to the point he was getting sleepy.

 Light went from a calmness state to a panic when he felt an arm wrap around his mid section, trapping his arms, and a hand cover his mouth. The white Steve's screams were muffled and struggles did nothing.

"Shh. The less you struggle, the less I'll do to you" The person said into Light's ear. Light ceased his movements and attempts to call for help; tears prick his eyes as he just nod.

"Good" One moment Light was on the bridge in the Rainbow Town the next he found himself slammed against a tree with a hand around his throat and looking into a pair of dark black eyes. Light's voice was caught in his throat. 

"Ocelot got your tongue Lightly" Dark smirk at Light's fearfully look.

"D-Dark, I-I thought you were d-destroyed" Light was now trembling in fear. 

Dark chuckles as he moved a stain of white hair away form Light's face behind his ear, "I thought you were smarter than that Lighty. I can't be destroyed, where ever light is, darkness is soon to follow Lighty"

"Don't call me that"

"What? Lighty? You loved when I called you that" Dark lean in close to Light's face to the point they could feel each other's breath, "Just like how I loved when you called me...Come on Lighty, say it. Call me what you use to, say that name when we are together."

"T-that was in the past, we are not together anymore" Light said frowned. 

Dark frowned before smirking again, "We never broke up, and as far as I know, I'm the only one who marked you"

Light's eyes widen as his breath pick up, his body shook even more; memories of the days followed filled his head. Everyone shamed him for who he loved.

"No no no no. I didn't mean that, I didn't mean" Dark let go of Light's neck and gave him a comforting hug to calm him down, "Please Light, I didn't mean to bring those memories"

   "I-I l-loved you, I-I n-never stopped." Light sobbed, he hugged Dark back, burring his head into the taller's chest, "I-I mi-missed you so much Dar"

It was Dark's turn to be surprise, he pulled away to look at his love to see him have a small smile.

"I was waiting to hear that from you. I love you so much, more than you ever know" Dark put a hand on Light's cheek. 

"You told me that before"Light smiled. He wrap his arms around Dark's neck while the he wrap his arms around Light's waist.

"And I'm going to keep on telling you until you remember" Dark leaned in giving Light a kiss which he gladly let him in.

They pulled away for air, but Dark held him close and put his head on top of Light's head, "I love you Lighty, I'll love you til the end"

"I love you too Dar, I'll love as I did from the beginning" Light said into Dark's chest.

And I'm never letting go.


Word Count: 615 

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