(41) ReverseSabre Part 3

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Requested by Olisteve

P.S: I like your drawing on your page, Oli is so cute

Check out 'Stories' for more parts


After the incident with Dream, Reverse and Sabre decided to watch a movie and spend some time together after a long time. Reverse was picking the movie as Sabre was making snacks for them to eat. The Steve wanted to give his human a little scare so he picked a horror movie, put it in and waited for Sabre on the couch with a blanket for them both.

"I got food" Sabre said bringing a bowl of popcorn, "So what are we watching?"

Reverse pulled Sabre onto his lap and held him there.

"Halloween" (Couldn't think of anything else)

"Th-That sounds g-good" Sabre stuttered, he doesn't like scary movies.

"I figure you would say that" Reverse smirked and wrap the blanket over them.

The movie wasn't so bad, Sabre jumped at a few parts and Reverse covered his eyes when someone was killed out of habit and he didn't want his human to see anything bloody. Sabre didn't think any of it because Reverse has done this several times before when things got too intense then turn it off, but this time he didn't. Reverse got up to stretch his legs and to get more popcorn, leaving Sabre alone on the couch. What the Steve didn't know was that he didn't pause the movie or Michael Myers was going in for another kill and no one was protecting the innocent eyes.

"Okay Sabre I'm - oh my Notch cover your eyes!" Reverse yelled seeing Michael raising his weapon to a teen on the ground and tried to direct Sabre's attention away from the movie, but it was too late. Sabre yelped and hid under the blanket. Reverse quickly turned off the movie, turn on the lamp near them and pulled Sabre into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Sabre, I didn't mean to for that to see that" Reverse rocked back and forth, apologizing over and over.

"Why are you apologizing?" Sabre asked confused taking the blanket off of his head and look up at Reverse.

"I didn't want you to see that" Reverse mumbled loud enough for Sabre to hear.

"Reverse, you don't have to apologize." Sabre hugged Reverse's neck, "That's not the first time I seen a horror movie"

"But you said they scares you and you hate them" 

"Yeah they scare me and I don't like them, but I'm fine watching them"

"But you don't need to see that stuff"

"Reverse, I'm not a little kid, I know about the world and the horrors in it. I can take care of myself"


"I know you're just trying to protect me from the world, but Reverse, you don't have to sheild me away from everything"

"I just wanted you to be my little, innocent Sabre, and I want to keep you like that" Reverse signed.

"If you were worried about that, then why did you pick a scary movie?"

"It was just to scare you just a bit then stop it, but I got into it when I wanted to stop it before the first kill. I'm so sorry Sabre" Reverse said in Sabre's neck.

"It's fine Reverse, I don't mind watching horror movies, I can handle them" Sabre ran his hand through the Steve's blue hair.

"Will you still be my little innocent Sabre" Reverse asked pulling Sabre onto his lap and held him.

"If that makes you happy"

"You being happy makes me happy" 

"You're an odd Steve" Sabre said.

"I'm only odd for you" There was something in Reverse's voice that sent shivers to Sabre's spine. 

Sabre tired to pull away from the Steve to look at him but Reverse held him even tighter making it a bit harder to breath.

"Reverse, why are you like this?" Sabre finally asked, "Every time you do something, you say its to protect me. Why? I'm just a human"

"You're mine" Reverse growled pulling away from Sabre and held him by his shoulders, "You're. Mine."

"Re-mph!" Reverse covered Sabre's eyes and slamed his lips on Sabre's.

Since Sabre was in shock, Reverse easily slipped his tongue into Sabre mouth and pushed him down so that both were laying on the couch. Reverse easily pinned Sabre so he could only wiggle just a bit. Reverse pulled away to let Sabre breath once he felt Sabre move less and less, but kept his hand over Sabre's eyes. The Steve then attacked Sabre's neck trying to find the spot that got the most reaction out of the human. Through out all of this, Sabre could only hold onto Reverse and make noise that even he didn't know he could make.   

"R-Reverse, p-please" Sabre whimpered.

Reverse didn't listen and continued what he was doing until he found the spot he was looking for; he bit that spot, marking Sabre as him. Tears prickled Sabre's eyes from the pain of the mark.

"Wh-Why?" Sabre whimpered.

Sabre felt Reverse move from his neck, but kept his hand over his eyes.

"You're mine, now I have something to prove it" Reverse said lightly tracing the freshly made mark making Sabre shiver.

"But why are you covering my eyes?"

"You shouldn't see me"


"I'm going to remove my hand, keep your eyes closed. Do you understand?"

"Yes Reverse" Sabre obeyed Reverse knowing full and well that Reverse would get angry for him disobeying him, again.

Reverse took his hand away and signed happily that Sabre had his eyes closed. Untying the white bandanna from Sabre's neck and wrap it around his eyes. After that, Reverse laid on Sabre and hugged him.


"Let's lay here for a bit" Reverse muttered.

Sabre smiled and hugged Reverse back.

"Don't ever leave me Sabre"

"I won't"

"Do you promise?"

"I promise"

"A-Are you mine?"

"I've been since we meant"

"I love you so much Sabre"

"I love you too Reverse"


Word count: 987

Requests remaining: 0

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